Firefighters Rescue Raccoon from Sewer Grate!
Added 6,650 Views / 0 LikesThe call for help came in shortly after 10 a.m., prompting a team of firefighters to suit up and rush to a residential area in Newton, Mass. The caller, a bicyclist commuting to work, had spotted a distressed young raccoon stuck in an unfortunate position
Steve Harvey - You Have to Jump
Added 758 Views / 0 LikesThere is no such thing as getting a reward without some risk. Actually, the greater the risk, the greater the reward.
02:59 Popular
Delivery man honored by the community he serves
Added 922 Views / 0 LikesTodd Kirnan has been making deliveries to businesses in downtown Gresham, Oregan, for years. So in return, his community decided to give back and honor him with a parade and a statue. Steve Hartman has his story "On The Road." Subscribe to the "CBS Evenin
5 Letters Of The Alphabet That Will Tap Into Your Inner Genius | Simon T Bailey Speech | Goalcast
Added 973 Views / 0 Likes✪ Are you ready for a shift? Simon T. Bailey goes full Les Brown and spits fire about how to change, how to succeed and how to overcome your own self. ✪ 5 Letters To Tap Into Your Inner Brilliance | Simon T Bailey Speech | Goalcast Video Script:: it's
How To Find True Happiness Video | David Meltzer Inspirational Speech | Goalcast
Added 913 Views / 0 Likes✪ In this inspiring speech David Meltzer describes how his mother's words after telling her that he had lost everything, including the house she lived in, completely changed his perspective of life and his understanding of true happiness.✪ I LOST EVERYTHI
Terry Bradshaw: From Dreamer to Record-Breaker #Video
Added 7,497 Views / 0 LikesThis video captures an inspiring interview with Terry Bradshaw, who shares his journey from a young boy with a dream of playing in the NFL to becoming a record-breaking athlete. Through candid reflections and personal anecdotes, Terry discusses his love f
09:20 Popular
Nature's Splendor A Calming, Tranquil Visit To National Parks
Added 1,075 Views / 0 LikesThe wonder of Nature's Splendor is revealed in this exquisite 60 minutes of pristine high definition videography by Gary Hanson, and heartfelt piano orchestrations from Steve Hall. This remarkable journey includes captivating visual images from Wales/Irel
03:30 Popular
You Can Let Go Behind The Scenes
Added 1,028 Views / 0 LikesSee a special video of Crystal talking about her song and what it means to her.
03:18 Popular
On The Road: Waitress Receives The Tip Of A Lifetime
Added 990 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Melissa Mainier, a Pennsylvania waitress who, thanks to a generous tipper, paid off her entire nursing school debt.
02:49 Popular
On The Road: The End Of A Family Football Dynasty
Added 798 Views / 0 LikesOn the Road: The end of a family football dynasty Fri Nov 16 16:39:11 PST 2012 As part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman profiles Karen and Tom Aho, who have spent the last quarter century attending the football games of their 12 sons.
03:23 Popular
Woman's spontaneous road trip leads to something special
Added 917 Views / 0 LikesWhen Anita Hughes got lost on her way home, she turned to a stranger for help. Hughes found her way, and something else very special: her confidence. Steve Hartman meets her On The Road.
02:50 Popular
Janitor sends his five kids to college for free
Added 793 Views / 0 LikesFor the last 15 years, Fred Vautour has worked the grounds of Boston College as a janitor. It hasn't always been glamorous, but sending his five children to the prestigious private college tuition-free made it all worth it. Steve Hartman met him, "On the
02:43 Popular
Meet the 99-year-old Pittsburgh Pirates usher
Added 1,276 Views / 0 LikesAt 99, Phil Coyne still works as an usher for the Pittsburgh Pirates, seating people in sweltering heat and climbing up and down steps that would hospitalize most any other soon-to-be centenarian. He has been doing it for 81 years. Steve Hartman finds out
Guy Rescues Baby Deer From the Middle of a Lake
Added 9,160 Views / 0 LikesThis guy was determined to rescue the lost baby deer and reunite her with her mom.
02:45 Popular
A story of undying love
Added 797 Views / 0 LikesClarence Purvis, 93, lost his wife, Carolyn, four years ago, but he's found his own way of carrying on her memory. CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman has his story. Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Channel HERE: Watch Full Episo
02:49 Popular
School cafeteria worker feeds the hungry well after lunch hour ends
Added 887 Views / 0 LikesDebra Davis works hard feeding the students at Hoover High School. But once the bell rings, she keeps working -- to feed the homeless. Steve Hartman has her story "On The Road." Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Channel HERE: Watch