True Inspirational Video of Stories To Change Your Life | Top Motivational Speeches | Goalcast
Added 862 Views / 0 Likes✪ They all have a common story, coming out of poverty and achieving success thanks to the example and advice of the most important person in their lives. This compilation of inspirational speeches will motivate you to use the difficulties of your life as
01:01 Popular
Finish Line
Added 860 Views / 0 LikesEvery goal begins with a dream. Challenges, obstacles, and distractions also seem to be part of what we must deal with on the way to achieving those goals. Avril Lavigne's beautiful song "Keep Holding On" underscores this inspiring message to remember you
03:02 Popular
On The Road: 98-year-old Barber Lives On Cutting Edge
Added 860 Views / 0 LikesIn our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Joe Brown, a Florida barber who is still cutting hair at the age of 98. Brown, who says he has no plans to retire, still has the magic touch that keeps customers coming back.
01:19 Popular
The Human Element Steve Hartman On The Road Laughing
Added 860 Views / 0 LikesTraining for News Broadcast Stories. Connecting with people and using those connections to help tell the story. With a laugh.
03:21 Popular
On The Road: Woman Seeks Rental Family On Craigslist
Added 859 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Jackie Turner, a woman who wanted to raise her spirits around the holidays by hiring a set of parents on Craigslist. She received many replies from people who wanted to help her, as well
02:22 Popular
Nate Staniforth NATHANIEL RATELIFF Vignette
Added 858 Views / 0 LikesDo you remember the sense of wonder you felt when you saw someone doing magic tricks as a little kid? Magician Nate Staniforth wants you to experience that wonder again by seeing things as they once were before they became ordinary. Pass it on! Learn more
03:24 Popular
Inclusion Vignette
Added 852 Views / 0 LikesSarah Greichen’s twin brother has an Autism Spectrum Disorder. She says he didn’t have any friends in school and that’s why she started the nonprofit “Score A Friend.” Sarah believes if we all extend our love and kindness to include everyone from all walk
03:00 Popular
Ohio Boy Honored For Generosity To U.S. Military
Added 851 Views / 0 LikesEvery year, past Medal of Honor recipients get together to recognize civilians who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. On Friday, one of those Citizen Honor awards went to a kid for the first time. We first met that kid in 2014, "On the Road" wit
Les Brown Video. He Explains How He Came Out Of His Dark Night Of The Soul | Motivational Speech | G
Added 851 Views / 0 Likes✪ At the lowest point of his life Les Brown found himself facing one important question: What are you doing here? The answer led him to get off the couch, take charge of his life and become a channel of blessings for those who listen to him. Come out of t
Heroes of the Pandemic Video 2020 | People Are Awesome (Frontline Workers Tribute)
Added 847 Views / 0 LikesWe highlight the stories of local frontline workers and what they went through when the pandemic struck earlier in 2020.
02:33 Popular
On The Road: Kids Earn Their Keep, One Pedal At A Time
Added 846 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series, "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets 11-year-old America Rice, who works as a bike mechanic at a non-profit on the Jersey shore where kids are rewarded with a free bicycle for their work.
102 Year Old Computer Student (Texas Country Reporter)
Added 845 Views / 0 LikesRetired teacher Ester Hearne is 102 years old and just got her first computer. Now she is taking computer classes from one of her former pupils. Follow us on Twitter: Ester HearnePalestine, TX Texas Country Reporter
Ancient Wisdom To Unlock Your Best Future | Sadhguru Speech | Goalcast
Added 844 Views / 0 Likes* Ancient Wisdom To Unlock Your Best Future | Sadhguru Speech | Goalcast * Indian Mystic Sadhguru reveals the truths to become your best self. Video Script:: I think the first place to start walk me through what you mean by potential like what what do
03:13 Popular
Joshua Williams Vignette featuring Martin Luther King, Jr.
Added 843 Views / 0 LikesInspiring, motivating, incredible. This begins to describe Joshua Williams, a young man with a quest to make a difference in the lives of people on the streets of Miami. He and his team have now fed over 300 thousand people. But food is not the only thing
02:24 Popular
Man and goose build unusual friendship
Added 843 Views / 0 LikesA lifesaving act on an Oregon lake has led to an unlikely connection between a goose and her hero. Steve Hartman goes "On The Road" to meet the inseparable pair.