07:12 Popular
A Relaxing Journey Through The National Parks Of America
Added 1,100 Views / 0 LikesAmerican Heartland takes you on a relaxing visit to the wheat fields of America and to our most visited National Parks like the Grand Tetons, Yosemite, Denali National Park in the great Alaskan wilds, Colorado Rockies, Yellowstone, and so many more exciti
05:41 Popular
Oliver With A Twist Behind The Scenes
Added 977 Views / 0 LikesBritish orphan Oliver Twist always seems to find a way into our hearts. For this TV commercial, we add our own spin to the famous scene in Oliver's story when he asks for more food at the orphanage. Take a look as this tale takes on a twist of fate by way
03:08 Popular
On The Road: California Man Finds Purpose In Baseball After Stroke
Added 918 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Donnie Edison, a California man who, after suffering a stroke, finds new direction through his love of baseball.
02:45 Popular
On The Road: A Chef On The Highway To Heaven
Added 907 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman profiles Bruno Serato, a restaurant owner in Anaheim, Calif., who has made exceptional sacrifices to feed his gourmet meals to poor children.
03:10 Popular
"On the Road" with Steve Hartman — Woman loses her way home, but finds much more
Added 1,009 Views / 0 Likes“It just doesn’t matter -- the skin color, the ZIP code -- we’re brothers and sisters, and we really do have a responsibility to help one another get home."
02:32 Popular
Barista learns sign language for customer
Added 766 Views / 0 LikesIt's pretty easy to have your order messed up when you're ordering from Starbucks; it's even easier if you're deaf. Steve Hartman went "On the Road" to show how one barista is going above and beyond to change that for one of their regulars.
Getting A Full DNA Test For My Guide Dog (Breed, Health, Personality!)
Added 1,034 Views / 0 LikesGallop is a Guide Dog who helps his owner, Molly Burke, safely get where she needs to go every day. This is his story.
02:59 Popular
Diving into the unknown, student athlete proves the merits of hard work
Added 1,298 Views / 0 LikesGerald Hodges was already a great athlete on land, but he didn't know how to swim. So he decided to face the challenge head-on, and join the swim team. Steve Hartman has his story "On the Road." Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Channel HERE: http://bit
01:40 Popular
Jen Bricker Vignette
Added 973 Views / 0 LikesJen Bricker was born without legs and left in the hospital. Raised with an empowered mindset by her adopted family, she has turned what some might call a sad story into one about love and triumph. She was taught that you can do anything you want. She deve
Mueller's Helping Hand 2018 (Texas Country Reporter)
Added 948 Views / 0 LikesYear #10 for Mueller and TCR to team up for a special Thanksgiving show where one non-profit organization in Texas receives a brand new metal building to expand their charitable outreach. Family Ties Family Resource Services2114 Field Store Rd.Waller, TX
The perks of being a pirate | Tom Nash
Added 839 Views / 0 LikesThe perks of being a pirate | Tom Nash Video Script:: Translator: Nawal Sharabati Auditor: Fatima Zahra El Hafa Often when I'm in the general public, A child will stare at me. And if the child is particularly brave, he will approach me asking, "Are yo
Meet 83 Yr. Old Twin Mechanics Odus and Orus Stokes Video!
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesOdus and Orus Stokes were identical twins, who fixed automobiles together for nearly 70 years. Their garage in Brownwood, Texas, may have been the oldest, greasest, dustiest most cultered up auto shop in Texeas. Odus was married to the same woman for over
We're Giving Away $30 Million in Free Food #Video
Added 7,397 Views / 0 Likes241 million tons of food is produced in the USA evry year and what is frightening is that more than one third of it goes to waste. This means that more than 150 million potential meals are being thrown into landfill while 44 million Americans live with li
04:01 Popular
Blow, Winds, O Softly Blow
Added 1,072 Views / 0 LikesA family sings an endearing old time Christmas Carol, their mother's favorite Christmas song, just for her. A gift from the family, recorded from all over the country.
01:00 Popular
Added 838 Views / 0 LikesSome of FBLs spots, including Umpire, tell a story from a persons youth, several decades ago. For these spots, the art department is charged with getting clothing (such as baseball uniforms) that matches that period in history. Some of these spots also ne
02:12 Popular
Hart Faber Steve Hartman On The Road
Added 1,286 Views / 0 LikesA special editon of Steve Hartman's On the Road on the day of the Sandyhook Elementary School shooting.