A band of Broncos hidden in the Alaskan bush | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 47
Added 866 Views / 0 LikesTom wrangles a herd of first-gen Ford Broncos outside a remote town in Alaska. As Tim, the owner of the vehicles, shows Tom around, it’s apparent that his love of classic SUVs doesn’t start and end with Ford’s iconic two-door 4x4.
03:41 Popular
A Deadly Roundworm Parasite Is Causing This Woman's Painful Rashes
Added 926 Views / 0 LikesMonsters Inside Me After suffering from strange blisters and rashes all over her skin, Masandra learns that she contracted the Toxocara parasite while vacationing in Italy. Full Episodes Streaming FREE:
A Flock of Ford Hot Rods Found in Fairbanks, AK | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 52
Added 1,300 Views / 0 LikesTom finds himself in North Pole, Alaska, where he meets John, an eclectic car guy with all sorts of fun stuff. You’d never guess a stash like this– that includes several Ford hot rods and some very interesting Studebakers–could exist in
02:49 Popular
A Hockey-Themed Shark Tank For The San Jose Sharks | Tanked
Added 1,152 Views / 0 Likes#Tanked | Fridays at 9p Wayde and Brett captured all of the San Jose Sharks' special features in this jawsome tank! Full Episodes Streaming FREE: Celebrity Tanks:
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A Raccoon Family Invades A Boston Apartment | Intruders
Added 816 Views / 0 LikesIntruders Anthony and Chanyce have three unexpected "roommates" – a mama raccoon and her two babies. Full Episodes Streaming FREE: Subscribe to Animal Planet:
A rare look behind-the-scenes at Hot Wheels, the popular toy cars
Added 332 Views / 0 LikesHot Wheels have delighted children and adults alike for over half a century. First introduced in 1968, millions of the miniature ...
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A slew of dusty Italian sports cars hidden in muscle car country | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 30
Added 1,050 Views / 0 LikesFinding old Fords, Chevys and other American iron in backyards, barns, and garages isn’t hard to do in Michigan, a state that’s been the crucible for generations of car enthusiasts. Discovering old, dusty European cars in the Mitten State isn’t nearly as
09:15 Popular
A smorgasbord of Swedish classics | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 27
Added 982 Views / 0 LikesWin some, lose some. One week you uncover millions worth of dusty treasures, another you get a firmly slammed door in your face, as Tom Cotter knows all too well after decades of hunting for old cars. In this episode of Barn Find Hunter, Tom is rebuffed l
A Trip Down Market Street, San Francisco, 1906 - With Sound
Added 924 Views / 0 LikesThis version is High Def, and contains new footage from after the earthquake and fire of 1906.
Abandoned 70-year-old Traffic Jam. You Haven't Seen This Before!
Added 1,913 Views / 0 LikesYou have to admit, there's something fascinating, attractive and creepy about abandoned places. A few years ago, it was crowded and full of life, but all that's left now is dust and memories. Not surprisingly, many people are drawn to these forgotten plac
Abandoned Train Derailed and covered in graffiti
Added 906 Views / 0 Likeshey everyone! this is part 2 of our abandoned train journey, we met some other explorers, we ride our bikes down the tracks, thru rugged terrain, we go through dark musty tunnels and we explore these large abandoned passenger trains. there is a part 3 vid
ABC 500 Custom Motorcycle - Jay Leno’s Garage
Added 1,229 Views / 0 LikesCar and Motorcycle Designer Niki Smart, from A Bike Company, took 10 years to design and fabricate every line and feature on this custom motorcycle! ABOUT JAY LENO'S GARAGE A new video every Sunday! Visit Jay Leno's Garage, the Emmy-winning series where J
Air- or water-cooled, the Porsche 911 is a balanced, delightful cruiser | Why I Drive #30
Added 678 Views / 0 LikesKeith Hammersma had always wanted a Porsche 911, and now he has two. The style, balance, power, and brakes combine to make his 993 and 996 cabriolets the ultimate top-town drivers for northern Michigan summers. The only decision he has to make now is wate
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Alfa Romeo GTV Cup | Ride Along
Added 1,232 Views / 0 LikesHagerty UK's Operations Manager, Robin Harman, has always been a fan of Italian sports cars, so when he and his father were seeking a joint purchase, they agreed on an affordable modern classic — the Alfa Romeo GTV Cup. Take a spin with Robin on some of t
Alfa Romeo paradise with a splash of Mazda RX-7 and Porsche 911 | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 77
Added 795 Views / 0 LikesWithin the SCCA racing scene, Tom has always heard about an Atlanta local legend, Paul Spruell. Paul is a national champion of SCCA G-production and 3x national champ in E-production. Ride along as Tom stops by to see his race shop and hear his stories of
All GM Car Show 2022 At Warner Center Park In Woodland Hills, California #Video
Added 618 Views / 0 LikesThe annual All GM Car Show put on by the Buick Club Of America Los Angeles Chapter. This show always brings out some amazing vehicles by Chevrolet, Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, GMC, and Opel. Plenty of classic cars, muscle cars, hot rods, and custom vehic