Videos Section 2
Hope For Paws: Going Down The Rabbit Hole To Save A Cute Little Bunny.
Added 874 Views / 0 LikesTo adopt Princess Rosabella, please contact her foster mom, Loreta who also called us about her:
Hope For Paws: Homeless Pit Bull Rescued Dangerously Close To The Freeway.
Added 1,122 Views / 0 LikesHope For Paws: Homeless Pit Bull rescued dangerously close to the freeway.
Hope For Paws: Pit Bull Rescue Like You Have Never Seen Before!
Added 1,045 Views / 0 LikesHope For Paws: Pit Bull rescue like you have never seen before! (Eden)
Horse And Baboon Are Animal Best Friends
Added 1,055 Views / 0 LikesHorse And Baboon Are Animal Best Friends
Horse Gets Scared - Then Gets Revenge!
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesMagic got scared when I tried to ride him in the river and then the best thing ever happened.
Horse Licks Owner For Putting Hoof On
Added 968 Views / 0 LikesJack, a special needs horse with lots of love to give, shows his owner how appreciative he is for helping him with his shoes by giving him a big kiss on the head.
Horse Playing With Ball
Added 902 Views / 0 Likes5 yr old Ficcochino is having a blast playing with his ball. He is a dressage horse, imported from Germany by Furst Romancier. He loves to cut loose and play.
Horse Plays Fetch
Added 689 Views / 0 LikesThis horse wanted to play fetch with his owner. However, since he was a giant animal, instead of using a frisbee, his owner had to throw a giant dish across the field.
Horse Relaxes On Hay Bale
Added 659 Views / 0 LikesAfter a long day of standing on his hooves, this horse decided to take a load off and lay down on a bale of hay.
Horse Thinks It's All About That Bass.
Added 884 Views / 0 LikesHorse thinks it's all about that bass.
Horse Vs Pitbull: Tug Of War
Added 623 Views / 0 LikesThis is Mister a Quarter horse Mustang mix & Jasmine a very sweet pit bull as you can see.
Horses And Horsepower
Added 749 Views / 0 LikesJames Watt is credited with developing the term horsepower to demonstrate that his steam engines were as powerful as a team of horses. This video discusses the term briefly and then features two workhorses skidding logs out of a red pine forest - an inspi
Horses Licking Dogs
Added 659 Views / 0 LikesWait...what are you doing? Video by Emily Watson.
Hotel California - Gabriella Quevedo
Added 837 Views / 0 LikesThis is my cover of Hotel California by The Eagles arranged by Tomi Paldanius :)