Videos Section 2
6- Handed Tourist Guide - Kids Prank!
Added 905 Views / 0 Likes6- Handed Tourist Guide - Kids Prank!
6-week-old Caracal Kittens Venture Outside With Mom
Added 716 Views / 0 LikesThe Oregon Zoo's two new caracal kittens are 6 weeks old now, and they have just begun to explore their outdoor habitat in the zoo's Predators of the Serengeti area.
7 Cats Who Know The Secrets To Happiness
Added 806 Views / 0 LikesNot only can cats make you happy strictly through their presence (scientifically proven fact), they can also teach you the seven secrets for having a happier life.
7 Dogs Who Were You As A Kid
Added 478 Views / 0 LikesAdorable dogs re-enacting your favorite childhood moments. Remember when life was so much more simple? The nostalgia struggle is real.
7 Facts Every Music Lover Should Know
Added 920 Views / 0 LikesHere's how hit songs become hit songs.
7 Words That Mean Something Different After Getting A Dog
Added 750 Views / 0 LikesHere's to man's best friends and how they change your life forever.
7 Year Old Jacob Velazquez Playing A Taylor Swift Medley
Added 915 Views / 0 LikesThis is 7 year old Jacob Velazquez playing his Taylor Swift Piano Medley from her new album 1989. Jacob loves Taylor's music & dreams of jammin with her.
7-year-old Sets New Limbo Skating World Record
Added 1,055 Views / 0 Likeslimbo skater has set a new world record - despite the fact he only started skating 2 years ago.
7-year-old Sets New Limbo Skating World Record
Added 1,068 Views / 0 Likeslimbo skater has set a new world record - despite the fact he only started skating 2 years ago.
71-Year-Old Man Walks Thousands Of Miles To Promote Peace
Added 900 Views / 0 LikesAs a grandfather of 8, Al wants this world to be the best place it can be. Inspired by the amazing men and women of the military, he has pursued what he believes is his mission to encourage others to pray for peace. After September 11, New York City becam
8 Funniest German Shepherd Videos
Added 887 Views / 0 Likes8 Funniest German Shepherd Videos
8 Signs Your Cat Believes In Santa
Added 631 Views / 0 LikesSanta's coming, and your cats know it! Watch their behaviour for these signs that they know there really is a Santa Claus.
8 Signs Your Cat Believes In Santa
Added 707 Views / 0 LikesSanta's coming, and your cats know it! Watch their behaviour for these signs that they know there really is a Santa Claus.
8 Signs Your Cat Is An Alien
Added 1,079 Views / 0 LikesThere's no denying that cats can act VERY weird at times! … But what if they were actually aliens sent down to earth to spy on humans? Here's 8 signs to look for.