Videos Section 2
Cats Losing Their Balance - Compilation
Added 719 Views / 0 LikesCats Losing Their Balance - Compilation
Cats Playing Ping Pong Compilation
Added 874 Views / 0 LikesCats Playing Ping Pong Compilation Cats are experts in playing ping pong, so next time you're playing ping pong, better bring your cat too, and let the fun begin.
Cats Playing With Rubber Bands Compilation
Added 806 Views / 0 LikesCats Playing With Rubber Bands Every household item can be a cat toy, and rubber (or elastic) bands are no exception.
Cats Ruining Your Day
Added 493 Views / 0 LikesCats bringing humans down a peg. Video by Mario Orcon.
Cats Stealing Stuff - Compilation
Added 785 Views / 0 LikesCats Stealing Stuff - Compilation
Cats Stuck In Christmas Trees
Added 720 Views / 0 LikesCats love Christmas and when they're not playing with the presents under the tree, they're pretending to be ornaments in the tree.
Cats That Don't Like Milk
Added 708 Views / 0 LikesWait, cats don't like milk? Why do so many people say they do?
Cats Top New Year's Resolutions
Added 3,141 Views / 1 LikesJoin the Furball Cats as they review their all time favorite New Year's Resolutions in the 6th annual Mew Year's video! Happy 2016 everyone!
Cats Top New Year's Resolutions
Added 956 Views / 0 LikesJoin the Furball Cats as they review their all time favorite New Year's Resolutions in the 6th annual Mew Year's video! Happy 2016 everyone!
Cats Valentine - Love Is ... Furball Fables
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesLove is in the air at the Furball house! Happy Valentines Day from Furball Fables! What is love to you? Please feel free to ad to our list in the comments! Starring Merlin, Fairy, Elfin, Buddha and Yogi. id=100001827221250
Cats Vs Rare Bathtub SHARK!
Added 621 Views / 0 LikesThis time it's purrsonal! Cole & Marmalade discover a shark in the bathtub … a vicious battle begins! Be nice to sharks :) #SharkWeek
Cats Vs. Christmas Trees Compilation
Added 872 Views / 0 LikesCats vs. Christmas Trees Compilation Cats are curious about everything, even Christmas trees. Nothing is safe from these Grinch-like cats.
Cats Vs. Toothbrushes Compilation
Added 616 Views / 0 LikesCats vs. Toothbrushes Compilation Those buzzing demonic entities called toothbrushes are no match for these brave cats. They must be banished from Earth!