Videos Section 2
Cat Expresses His Excitement Over Tasting Mac And Cheese
Added 744 Views / 0 LikesCat Expresses His Excitement Over Tasting Mac And Cheese
Cat Figures Out How To Open Milk Jug
Added 734 Views / 0 LikesCat Figures Out How to Open Milk Jug
Cat Goes Surfing With Dog Friend
Added 739 Views / 0 LikesIt's a hot day in the land Down Under but Didga and Ice know how to keep cool... A little Ice surfing" anyone? "
Cat Hates His Own Reflection
Added 748 Views / 0 LikesMany of us wish we saw something a little different when we look in the mirror, but this cat takes it to a whole other level!
Cat Jumps Off Of Couch
Added 794 Views / 0 LikesCat jumps off of couch to catch a reflection.
Added 784 Views / 0 LikesAfter a few hours putting together a new large cat tree for Didga and Boomer, not a lot of appreciation was shown. Boomer slept through the whole process.
Added 822 Views / 0 LikesHow cats see the world around them! It can be very confusing to be owned by cats, but it's always funny! :) Cole & Marmalade on Facebook
Cat Lovers Get Surprised By A Box Of Kittens
Added 752 Views / 0 LikesIf you bite the mic then we can't use this audioâ€.
Cat Makes Little Girl With Autism Feel Like Anything Is Possible
Added 916 Views / 0 LikesTogether, they're unstoppable. Video by Emily Watson
Cat On A Roomba Cleaning A Doctor's Office
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesOMG! 13 year old Max-Arthur is flying to Seattle first time ever! We a getting our Health Certificate and shots and bill for $217. OK! Keep your fingers crossed!!
Cat Plays Dead To Avoid Going For A Walk
Added 726 Views / 0 LikesLucky the cat is seen being strapped into his harness before going for a walk. Once placed on the floor the pretty kitty goes limp each time they try to get him up to stand up or walk. He collapses down on the carpet and twitches his tail between his legs
Cat Refuses To Leave Christmas Tree
Added 918 Views / 0 LikesCat is content sitting in the Christmas tree.