Videos Section 2
Black Cats Are The Coolest!
Added 863 Views / 0 LikesBlack Cat Appreciation Day is August 17. Starring 52 Black Cats! Please consider adopting a Black Cat when adopting a new family member!
Black Sicklebill Bird Of Paradise
Added 828 Views / 0 LikesThe spectacular display of the Black Sicklebill on its display post.
Blackbird With Lennon
Added 795 Views / 0 LikesChris Picco singing Blackbird to his son, Lennon James Picco, who was delivered by emergency C-section at 24 weeks when Chris' wife Ashley unexpectedly and tragically passed away in her sleep. Lennon's lack of movement and brain activity was a constant co
Blue Whale's Perfect Comic Timing!
Added 819 Views / 0 LikesZoologist Mark Carwardine outlines just how hard whale spotting can be. And promptly gets upstaged by the biggest whale there is.
BMX Rodeo At 1000 FPS
Added 574 Views / 0 LikesBMX Rodeo at 1000 FPS
Bob Hope Christmas With The Troops
Added 653 Views / 0 LikesBob Hope performed for the brave troops in WW2, Korean War, Viet Nam and the Persian Gulf War. The actors who he brought along were the very best of the best.
Boeing Prepares The 787-9 Dreamliner For The 2015 Paris Air Show
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesWatch as Boeing's expert crew rehearses the flying display that will be performed at the 2015 Paris Air Show. Get a preview before the show! To learn more visit ...
Bonnie The Rescue Dog Hates To Eat Alone!
Added 677 Views / 0 LikesOur new Sato rescue carries her dish across the kitchen to eat with Clyde. So Cute!
Boomer & Tug At Play = Cuteness OVERLOAD!
Added 752 Views / 0 LikesWhen Boomer was just 12 weeks old he met this adorable dog named Tug, when you watch them play together you will think it's the cutest thing EVER!
Boomer In The Ball Pit
Added 897 Views / 0 LikesBoomer (a cat) loves his kiddy pool full of balls.
Boomer The Cat Meets 50 Dogs
Added 845 Views / 0 LikesWatch what happens when 50 different dogs go nose to nose with Boomer (a CAT) The reaction of the dogs is priceless.
Boomer The Dog-Leaping Cat
Added 742 Views / 0 LikesBoomer leaps off a dogs back in slow motion! Boomer is a Bengal breed NOT for everyone as they require a lot of supervision & exercise, plus they are not lap cats and most don't like to be held, it's more like raising a dog, a very energetic dog that can
Boomer: The Golden Retriever Puppy
Added 1,089 Views / 0 LikesBoomer's first days at home. These are the sweetest... And of course we had to put all his movements to his favourite song by John Mayer- Wildfire. This little guy couldn't get enough of this song!
Border Collie DRIVING Zero Turn Lawn Mower BY HERSELF
Added 764 Views / 0 LikesMy Border Collie Abby decided she wanted to drive the mower...she loved it! *No animals were harmed in the making of this video
Border Collie Zoe & AMAZING Dog Tricks!
Added 1,026 Views / 0 LikesBorder collie Zoe performing amazing dog tricks, movie made using Canon 7D by Alicja Zmys, owska. Trainer and owner - Patrycja Kowalczyk