Best Of Wild Animals Caught on Spy Cam Video | BBC Earth
From monkeys mourning a "dead baby", to lion cubs playing and boisterous bears, our Spy Cameras have been able to capture some truly magical moments on their undercover adventures. Join us as we share some of our favourite interactions from the natural world - all caught on Spy Cam!
Video Script::
[Music] [Music] in Rajasthan the temple langurs have taken spy monkey into the heart of the family but some are keen to take the budding relationship to the next level and are getting a little too familiar one seems to want to babysit her but disaster strikes an injured baby is a cause for concern and this langa seems to believe she's died then something extraordinary happened the monkeys gather round the motionless spy creature as if it is a real baby [Music] they react just as they do when their own babies die [Music] a common contemplatively descends on the colony there's a sense of grief as well as empathy for one another quite accidentally our spy creature is at the center of something extraordinary capturing emotions that have really been observed Boulder County was first used in a film that spied on lions now it finds a new generation to entertain as always the Lions first reaction is curiosity these cats are more inquisitive than most one cub has taken to it in a big way Ola cam doubles up as a baby walker [Music] spy tortoise is also being deployed but these are highly perceptive animals and something's not quite right this five-year-old checks what the others are thinking they seem equally baffled but with his curiosity piqued he simply can't stay away as his interest grows so does the strength of his feelings he just has to have spy tortoise all to himself he hides with it in his leafy daybed where he normally take a nap but it's too excited to sleep he's torn between using it as a pillow and giving it a cuddle it's somewhere between a toy and a pet it's definitely not for sharing the courting meal is yet to prove he's up for the job [Music] but the female doesn't like being ignored she tries to reignite his passion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he sadly interested she's falling head-over-heels for him [Music] he's now totally captivated but still she gives him the runaround for in courtship there are always casualties blizzardcam is at the mercy of some very curious bears they could be about to film its own destruction [Music] but again a bear assists in the filming of its life story seal it with a kiss the couple's whirlwind romance will last three weeks [Music] this is spy puffer based on a fish that blows itself into a defensive puff ball the spy creatures are here to film these teenage taro e's spied puff our faces a bumpy ride bus stops are common it's easy to get caught in the middle young males are so unruly the females kick them out of the family poured [Music] this isn't spy puffer it's a real pufferfish the poor creature gets the same rough treatment perfect for a game of catch [Applause] but the dolphins are dicing with death puffer fish are one of the most poisonous fish in the ocean they exude a powerful now of poison called tetrodotoxin it only takes a small amount to kill a human even so the Dolphins often look for puffer fish and love to chew on deikun in small doses the secretions seem to have a narcotic effect [Music] the Dolphins are careful not to swallow them instead they hold them gently in their mouths despite the risks passing the puffer has become a popular dolphin pastime [Music] [Music]