Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

You might be OLD…If You Remember These! PART 1

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In today's video we take a little trip down memory lane... see how many of these you remember.
I don't know about you but I'm feeling really old now. Enjoy!
~ Mel


  • [email protected] Added Oh yeah, what memories.
  • Sandy Added Yes, I remember everything but the government food. But it doesn't make me o__. Just older. ;)
  • Ron Added You included Woolworth's and Ben Franklin but you missed S.S. Kresge Co. Kresge's was Woolworth's main competitor and the two stores were usually on opposite corners from each other while Ben Franklin stores tended to be in the middle of the block. My first job in the late fifties was busing dishes at the Kresge's in Minneapolis. My last job was 2nd Cook. In between I did every other job associated with a large restaurant/cafeteria; some more fun than others. Oh, and I met my 1st wife there. A lot of great memories from that time of my life.
  • CharMaine Added I love America . . . we are truly blessed to be a born and/or grown up under our beautiful flag. What a legacy we have. Some of these, I was little, but I remember.

    Woolworths: My Mom had taken me and my sister to do some shopping there. My sister wandered away to the pet dept, not far away. Next thing we know there are a hundred birds such as parakeets flying above us. Only to figure out my sister opened all the cages because she wanted to see them fly. The look of panic on my Mom's face, I will never forget. She was beyond embarrassed. She was panicking. Needless to say, we were done shopping for the day. LOL.
  • Janet Added this was great, and I remembered every one of them, and yes, I am old.
  • Kalena Added Loved this...and we ARE that old!!
  • BA Added Loved this videl Mel: I remember them all and am glad I didn't miss any of them even if I could become 60 years younger.
  • David Added Great trip down memory lane. There is ONE little thing that I noticed in the dialog and that was the keys for the GM car the ROUND key fit the TRUNK and the BLOVE BOX and the SQUARE KEY fit the IGNITION and the DOORS.
  • Dee Added Yes Mel, those were the good old days, slow and peaceful. No worries. Love it.
  • Mari Added Family male members ate holiday dinners in a suit, white shirt and tie. Womem cleared the table, did the dishes (no automatic dish washers) while the men sat in the living room smoking and drinking a shade of brandy. It was nothing to have 12 to 14 relatives around the table. Everyone stayed where they grew up.
  • Johnny Added I AM old, and thankful that I won;t be here for the coming crappy years.
  • Mary Jane Added Nice trip down memory lane, thanks Mel!
  • Steve Added Do you remember! The Passing of the Backhouse?
    When memory keeps me company and moves to smiles and tears,
    A weather-beaten object looms through the mist of years.
    Behind the house and barn it stood, a half a mile or more.
    And hurrying feet a path had made straight to its swinging door.
    Its architecture was a type of simple classic art.
    But in the tragedy of life it played a leading part;
    And oft the passing traveler drove slow and heaved a sigh
    To see the modest hired girl slip out with glances shy.

    We had our posy garden that the women loved so well
    I loved it too, but better still I loved the stronger smell
    That filled the evening breezes so full of homely cheer,
    And told the night - o'ertaken tramp that human life was near,
    On lazy August afternoons it made a little bower,
    Delightful, where my grandsire sat and whiled away an hour.
    For there the summer morning its very cares entwined.
    And berry bushes reddened in the steaming soil behind.

    All day fat spiders spun their web to catch the buzzing flies
    That flitted to and from the house, where Ma was making pies.
    And once a swarm of hornets bold had built a palace there,
    And stung my unsuspecting aunt--I must not tell where;
    Then father took a flaming pole--that was a happy day--
    He nearly burned the building up, but the hornets left to stay.
    When summer bloom began to fade and winter to carouse,
    We banked the little building with a heap of hemlock boughs.

    But when the crust was on the snow and sullen skies were gray,
    In sooth, the building was no place where one could wish to stay.
    We did our duties promptly there, one purpose swayed the mind;
    We tarried not, nor lingered long, on what we left behind.
    The torture of the icy seat would make a Spartan sob,
    For needs must scrape the goose-flesh with a lacerating cob,
    That from a frost-encrusted nail hung pendant by a string.
    My father was a frugal man and wasted not a thing.

    When grandpa had to "go out back" and make his morning call,
    We'd bundle up the dear old man with muffler and a shawl.
    I knew the hole on which he sat--'twas padded all around,
    And once I dared to sit there-'twas all too wide I found;
    My loins were all too little and I jack-knifed there to stay.
    They had to come and get me out or I'd have passed away.
    Then father said ambition was a thing boys should shun,
    And I must use the children's hole 'till childhood's days were done.

    But still I marvel at the craft that cut those holes so true;
    The baby hole, and the slender hole that fitted Sister Sue,
    That dear old country landmark; I've tramped around a bit,
    And in the lap of luxury my lot has been sit;
    But e'er I die I'll eat the fruit of trees I robbed of yore,
    Then seek the shanty where my name is carved upon the door.
    I ween the old familiar smell will soothe my jaded soul;
    I'm now a man, but none the less, I'll try the children's hole.
  • Steve Added I remember stealing ice chips from the Ice [Man’s, Not Woman’s] delivery truck! I.E one of the best jobs one could have back then, because the ice man got to, pick!
  • Bill S. Added Remember my Mom and Grandma hanging clothes in the basement in the winter to dry. (In Wis.) Took several days to dry. Sheets outside would be frozen stiff.
  • Vera Added For me the funniest picture was seeing a mom hanging wet clothes out to dry; in a dress!
  • Randy Ferguson Added You don't have to be old to remember these things. I remembered all of them and I'm not old. The kids I went to school with are old, but not me! . . . or am I? :P
  • Patricia Yager Delagrange Added Many of these are still going on today like going to the movies in a real theatre, making Jiffy Pop popcorn before watching a Netflix movie at home (my 28 year old son and his friends still do this), having a key fob with a house key and a key for one of our cars, going to drive-in movies, paying with a check at the grocery store is still going on, eating chicken noodle soup and drinking ginger ale and using Vaporub still happens in our house, going to the bowling alley definitely still happens as well.
  • Bill Added Great video !!
  • PEGGY Added Love the video and got a chuckle out of what Judy Chase said .. Lol , she made a good point .