Does your cat frequently check on you? Like casually looking around, to make sure you are nearby?
Do they walk in your room, give you a look, and then continue on their way?
If you notice your cat keeping an eye on you, it likely indicates that your pet considers you a significant figure.
In this video, we'll explore the common reasons why cats check in on their owners, and what it signifies for you as a caring pet owner.

Junior Added I have 4 cats abt 3yo, all outside since birth. They totally do all the items in the video, taking turns too, 1 after each other. If I am at a project too long, they all will find a spot to just sit/lay until I am done, sometimes esp my Tuxedo will come to rub/hug/love on me like he wishes he could help, LOL, yes, me too! They are awesome & better than having a dog for company!
[email protected] Added We have 4 cats and our newest 1 yr. old follows us everywhere. My eldest cat alway walks on top of us when we're in bed. Then she sleeps right next to our face. And yes, all of our cats visit us in the bathroom.
Mary Jane Added Very interesting. I have cats and they do indeed do a lot of these things.
CharMaine Added Today I learned . . . I wondered why my cat chews up the plastic bags. Maybe we need to see the vet. Thanks Mel.
Trisha Added I don't have a cat. I have a dog. But this article is very interesting.