When you're late to everything like Andy Woodhull is, you never know whats coming soon to a theater near you. In this hilarious clip from Andy Woodhull Andy describes how his wife makes him late to absolutely everything. Whether you're someone who is constantly on time, or you are someone who struggles with being late to everything this Dry Bar Comedy animation from Andy Woodhull is sure to have you laughing from start to finish.
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iotus2 Added He was talking about my wife and me...
CharMaine Added That was very funny and pretty much true . . . Truly enjoyed this late morning laugh. Thanks a bunch Mel.
Carol S. Added Cute!!
Lovey Added soooo funny - thanks the laughs
Randy Ferguson Added This is hilarious!!!
Martin Added Very funny!! This was my life for 45 years being married to Jerri. She passed away about 2 months ago and I miss her very much! But, THIS WAS HER, especially the part in the shower "rinsing off". I never understood the difference between taking a shower and "rinsing off". RIP, I miss you baby!
Patricia Added Very funny guy. Thanks for posting. I needed to laugh.
Paul Added That was really funny....Thanks for the laughs Mel !!