Ted the Yorkie knows when each package is delivered to his door. Even before the owners know. He sits by the door and jumps on the package as soon as the door opens. Ted shows each package NO MERCY!

Sue Added Hilarious!! Attacks boxes bigger than him!
CharMaine Added Teddy got spunk! He is an absolute cutie. I personally wouldn't let him continue bc I would be concerned about the contents. But to each his own. If Marianne finds joy in it, then have at it Teddy.
PEGGY Added I disagree with Edgar's post .. he said , Packages are worth more than the dog , get rid the dog .. i say , get rid Edgar, Be nice for little dog learn to rip up Bills ..:) Hey Mel , hope things are going good
Sheri Added Wow he is so busy
mimi Added Teddy is adorable! how are you doing, Mel?
[email protected] Added Oh my goodness! This is just so darn funny. I was laughing my head off watching this. Everybody should see this video & you will just go crazy over it.
Carol S. Added I'm not certain if the dog likes the packages or dislikes them!
mercedes Added Wow----those owners are patient! I wonder if the contents are damaged too, or is it just the outside. Who would think that Yorkies are that hyper?
Jenny Added The dog will continue as long as the owner enable him to tear the packages apart. Part of being a good dog owner is being the Alpha.
Lola Added Loved the Video~That pup was a holy terrier!! lol
Kay Added funny, I wonder what happened to him that he hates packages?
BA Added Thanks Mel. Loved this video.
Randy Ferguson Added Since he a Yorkie, it's cute. It wouldn't be so cute if it was a German Shepherd.
Mary Jane Added I would never tolerate that, they should take that dog for training.
Vicky Added What about damage to the contents of the package?
Edgar Added Package is worth more than dog - get rid of dog.
Kathy Added So cute, my yorkie was hyper like that also. It's the nature of terriers.
Beth Added Tough pup, lol - she is protecting his kingdom!! Such a cutie!!
Sher Added Too funny and cute!