Timelapse Of A Wound Healing. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Timelapse Of A Wound Healing. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Video Script::
hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet here's a time-lapse of the physical healing process the squirrel wanted to bury his nuts in this girl's hair this person thought turning on their computer was too boring so they made it a little more interesting and logo LBMA you can physically see blood pulsing through the body of this microscopic worm [Music] [Music] [Applause] these kids made some glowstick costumes when something a little awkward happened [Music] [Music] you this is a spa two tailed coal it might look like a rodent but it's actually a marsupial and it loves to eat small animals like birds here's a new smart way to go longboarding up a hill that's the end of this video I hope you learned something new and I'll see you guys again very very soon later
![](https://mvotd.com/images/what.gif )