The new old people are going to suck | Lachlan Patterson
NOTICE: I had the wrong title in today"s email subject line. That video will go out tomorrow.Sorry for the confusion. Mel. Today"s T-shirt: Never Underestimate an Old Man Who Is Also A Veteran at {no longer available}
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Nobody wants to hear stories about your food blog, grandma. Catch Lachlan Patterson on the sixth episode from the 23rd season on Halifax Comedy Festival.

Dick Seaman Added Well said, Becky and, i am with you.
Becky Added Yeah, not to mention all the tattoos that are now something exciting or beautiful and later morph into blurry swamp things. Our grandparents and great grandparents have lovely stories to tell... today's generation, what will they tell about? How their iPod suddenly stopped working in the middle of a video they were recording? These folks aren't even old enough to remember 8-tracks, and they were a BIG thing when I was a kid. Elvis was dead before they were born, and back then, the movie stars didn't need blood, sex and cuss words to be noticed. Times are changing. Who knows what life will be like 50 years from now? Thankfully, I won't be around to have to endure it. I don't think I'd like it.