Watch this swollen stray dog transform into the happiest little bunny who makes everyone on the street stop to say hi
Randy Ferguson
Added From tragic to wonderful in one short video.
Added Bunny got hit by a car they say, and it crippled her all up. I got a Polio injection at 7 and that crippled me all up. Now I am known as a handicapped individual... Bunny just needed some blessings and good fortune and her set of new wheels... All I needed is a helping hand like her. SO as a handicap doggie or a handicap human soul we both needed a helping hand. I am happy she got what she needed... My mobility is a walker and a motorized scooter... Wheels like Bonnie has (just different). She got 2 and i have 4... She's friendly and so am I... That was a terrific story Mel, thanks...Bless the people who adopted her and the people who got her the mobility she so desperately needed.... There is still GOOD in this world.
Added wonderful, wonderful story - brought tears to my eyes
Added Wonderful story and God Bless those wonderful people who saved Bunny.
Added What a super special story being told here. Kudos, big-time, for Mercedes Benz. What a nice buggy indeed. Love, love, love the story! If you see a need, please stop and help. You could save a life. Blessings all around. Yay!
Added So happy for Buns. She is one fortunate dog to receive all the help and love those good folks gave her. Every abused or hurt animal should have the same opportunity.
Added Amor por nuestros hermanos menores, que tanto nos quieren......Hug
Added Oh Mel that is a great story and bless those people. I wish all animals could get their love and caring.
Ham Todd
Added Loving this story!
Added Lovely, heartwarming video--but also very sad to think of the other dogs in Mexico
that aren't so lucky to be rescued.
Added Lovely story. Makes me so sad tho' to see an Animal in need. At least she got help!!!! Great Video!
Added So nice to see Bunny enjoying her life - Thanks to the car dealer ship for providing the wheels to roll for her...
Added ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Added Just....WOW. Looks to me like the Mercedes Benz company had something to do with this, so thanks to them too. I hope other companies will follow this example of kindness and support.
Su B
Added It's wonderful that we aren't throwing away animals who aren't perfect. Have a wonderful life, Bunny! Thanks, Mel.
Added Loved this story and maybe I'll see Bun Buns wheeling along in OB!
Added Warms my heart to know there are some wonderful people out there caring for troubled animals.
Lynne Henderson
Added Heart warming. If that does not make you feel good nothing will. Just so sweet. Some wonderful people out there.
maureen w.
Added I am still weeping for this courageous little dog. She never gave up with trying her best to walk. even if it meant dragging herself around. ... such a sweet attitude. Wish I could give her a hug. She is a living lesson to us all. Amen.
that aren't so lucky to be rescued.