Snapshots From History V3 | A Photographic Journey Into The Past #video
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode with Snapshots from History, taking us on a photographic journey into the past. Today we are remembering the first hellenic beauty queen after World War II, Daisy Mavrakis who died in November 2018 at age 83. Daisy, originally from Crete, was only 17 years old when she represented Greece in the first ever Miss Universe Pageant that was held in California, in June 1952. She went on to win the third place as 2nd Runner Up making every greek proud. There is not a lot of information about her on the internet but the few scattered ones that one can find, tell us that; she lived a long active life, she studied in Vienna, had a short movie career, married twice, had two children and grandchildren too. The photos you are actually seeing on screen have been shared on Instagram by one of her grandchildren, you can find details in the description of the video. We don't know how she looked in later years, but we can always reimagine by using technology of today. So, that was about the extraordinary beautiful Daisy and now, let us move on with more Snapshots from History. Enjoy!