Rescued Wild Bird Loves To Imitate His Mom's Voice | The Dodo Soulmates
Lyndsay Carlyle found a baby bird in a wall, and now he's all grown up and loves to imitate everything she says!
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I heard just bird screaming bloody murder one morning and then I could tell was coming from behind a wall so I started cutting into the small and I pulled the insulation back all of a sudden here this turfing and I'm like oh it's a baby bird like what do I do with this thing and he was really tiny I took him in this little white Qureshi I made like a little Nash Shh I just started googling like somebody's this I found like that like Jesus darling call the rehab places and they're like it's an invasive species we're not gonna take it in I was just like okay like I'm not gonna allow this now I was like oh I found this bird today in my husband was just like what is this we have to keep it nobody wants it but now he loves him he doesn't want to admit it but he totally does he started being able to fly on his own he always came back to me I had me we tried releasing a couple times and he was just not having it you know only my side was over what he doing pervert just goes on these like little rant well it doesn't in my voice always does the kissing noise and I never noticed how much he sounds like me until before saying it not perfect but his speech is just unreal and it will say certain phrases non-stop are you doing he's really sweet I really do believe he does understand when you sing what is your rank you say me he picks up stuff from the TV from husband me now he does this creepy laugh you know like where'd you get that from because I don't think I liked it what was that he's just so funny no cousin I think he knows that I saved him definitely looks at me as his mom I guess he feels comfortable he sees me it's like a safe place [Music] prints part of our family he is our kid I think he can sense when I'm upset but he's always there to cheer me up he's just a good-hearted little animal and just this little body shape I wouldn't trade it for the world like comment and subscribe

Lynne Henderson Added If that wasn't the sweetest thing.
Jo Sanders Added Oh my... how precious!