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Biohacking: Growing Bones In A Lab - Top Shelf
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesFrom implantable keys to fighting cancer, a look at the futuristic technology that could change how our bodies work.
Diego Goes For His First Swim At The Beach
Added 699 Views / 0 LikesOur Bengal Kitten Diego decides to go for his first swim, at Graham's Beach (New Zealand)
Tiger Jumps To Catch Meat, Filmed In Slow-motion
Added 906 Views / 0 LikesAs it's being fed a Tiger jump to grab it's food. If you watch closely you'll see that the Tiger actually jumps higher than the fence of the enclosure. Impressive animals. Taken at Glen Afric farm is South Africa during a volunteer program
Puppy Tries To Reclaim Bed From Unimpressed Cat
Added 723 Views / 0 LikesPixel, 10-week-old french bulldog, tries to reclaim bed from cat.
Bao Bao's First Snow Day! ( No Sound )
Added 805 Views / 0 LikesJan. 6, 2015 As the year's first blanket of snow coated the Washington, D.C. area today, giant panda Bao Bao spent much of the morning playing in it for the very first time. The sixteen month-old panda cub tumbled down the hill in her outdoor enclosure, c
Newborn Twins Merle And Stijn Having A Big Conversation
Added 864 Views / 0 LikesNewborn Twins Merle and Stijn Having A Big Conversation
They Look Like A Normal Elderly Couple But Then...
Added 827 Views / 0 LikesABOUT THE UDC : The Urban Dance Camp is the world's leading dance intensive education. The annual international workshop event has become after many years the best summer intensive for studio-styles (choreography) as well as streetdance-styles, with the h
Tiny Hamster Gets Tucked Into Tiny Bed
Added 900 Views / 0 LikesPutting my little Enoki, a Winter White Hamster, to sleep in her new cosy little bed! A little massage always does the trick in quickly sending her off to slumberland! Sweet dreams little one!
The Amazing Piano Genius Derek Paravicini!
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesPiano playing savant: Derek Paravicini
Science Of Golf: Why Golf Balls Have Dimples
Added 1,182 Views / 0 LikesNBC Learn, in partnership with the United States Golf Association and Chevron, explores the Science of Golf. Here, Steve Quintavella, USGA equipment standards operations manager, illustrates why golf balls have dimples and what they do for distance. Visit
Michael Jackson On Beer Bottles
Added 950 Views / 0 LikesHi everybody! Once again it is time for BOTTLE MONDAY (last monday of the month) which means, that a new video is released! We are so excited for this one, because we simply just LOVE Michael Jackson. Billie Jean is a really great song and it is perfect f
How Cats Say I Love You - Cole And Marmalade
Added 1,077 Views / 0 LikesCats say I Love you" to their humans all the time
Rescuing A Scared Homeless Dog - With The Most Surprising Ending You've Ever Seen!
Added 949 Views / 0 LikesRescuing A Scared Homeless Dog - With The Most Surprising Ending You've Ever Seen! To make a $5 donation, please click here:
Butterflies - Simon's Cat (A Valentine's Special!)
Added 908 Views / 0 LikesA lovestruck cat has a bad case of the butterflies
Wanted Fugitives Pranks - Best Of Just For Laughs Gags
Added 1,058 Views / 0 LikesWanted Fugitives Pranks - Best of Just For Laughs Gags
Kids Explain Why We All Have Trust Issues
Added 912 Views / 0 LikesWe trust that it all starts at childhood.
Beat The Blues With This Fragrant Fruit
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesBeat The Blues With This Fragrant Fruit
Pole Vaulting With Allison Stokke
Added 848 Views / 0 LikesFly alongside Allison Stokke as she takes you through her pole vault routine and hear why she agrees with the notion that pole vaulters are indeed a little crazy." Music Courtesy of ExtremeMusic "
Drawing Benedict Cumberbatch
Added 665 Views / 0 LikesDrawing Benedict Cumberbatch
Senior Snippets: Cold Weather
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesSenior Snippets: Cold Weather
Capybara Hot Tub
Added 778 Views / 0 LikesA group of capybaras (the world's largest rodent) enjoy a soak in their custom-made hot tub at Saitama Children's Zoo in Higashi-Matsuyama City, Japan.
Willie Nelson And His Famous Guitar: The Tale Of Trigger
Added 922 Views / 0 LikesAn exclusive documentary on how the country icon changed music history with his beat-up Martin acoustic, 'Trigger'
I'm Disco ( The Parakeet ) And I Know It!
Added 1,022 Views / 0 LikesOld favorites (especially Disco's faves!) and new hits, including I'm Disco and I know it!" Disco was just on the Today Show in NYC showing them his talking skills 5/17/13 - in person. Parakeets are excellent mimics! Thanks for watching; we hope you enjoy
Balloon Artist Turns Passion Into Profession
Added 784 Views / 0 LikesWhat do you think of when you see a balloon animal? Does it make you smile? Have you ever imagined someone would be able to twist and turn their way into making balloon art a profession? Meet Holly Hopper, a balloon artist from San Antonio, Texas. She beg
9 Simple Ways To Keep Your Food Fresh
Added 780 Views / 0 LikesKeep your kitchen fresh to death!
NEWS FLASH: Clever Pig Solves Pig Puzzle!
Added 778 Views / 0 LikesThis pig seems a bit puzzled at first but then... puzzle solved.
Added 566 Views / 0 LikesDidga (CAT) rolls-over" on command just like the two Rottweilers next to her. "
Five Baby Raccoons Enjoy An Afternoon Snack
Added 1,142 Views / 0 LikesIn this very cute and close up clip we find five baby raccoons on a lush and sunny day casually enjoying a snack. User Jordan Randomness claims these little guys were extremely comfortable being on camera, filming just inches away from their adorable shin
4 Puppies Annoy A Cat With Their Friendship
Added 708 Views / 0 LikesIn this pawsitively adorable video, four little puppies climb all over a big patient kitty. It's too cute for words!
B-24 Liberator Willow Run Assembly Plant
Added 800 Views / 0 LikesThe manufacturing and construction production video for the Consolidated B-24 Liberator heavy bomber. This video is about the Ford Motor Company production plant at Willow Run for B-24's before and during World War II. Ford Motor Company manufactured and
See What The Far Side Of The Moon Looks Like
Added 925 Views / 0 LikesIn the clearest pictures ever, NASA has released images showing the mystery-shrouded dark side of the moon.
Kitty Hated Being Stuck In The Snow!
Added 766 Views / 0 Likesbattle cat trying to deal with the four foot snow drift
Guy Receives Instant Karma After Laughing At Dog Slip On Ice
Added 779 Views / 0 LikesGuy Receives Instant Karma After Laughing at Dog Slip on Ice McGolrick Park, Feb. 7th
Fried Gnocchi Causes Historical Laughter
Added 746 Views / 0 LikesSteve from shows us all how not to prepare gnocchi. The Wadsworth Constant applies...This video really heats up about one minute in.
Cat Plays Dead To Avoid Going For A Walk
Added 714 Views / 0 LikesLucky the cat is seen being strapped into his harness before going for a walk. Once placed on the floor the pretty kitty goes limp each time they try to get him up to stand up or walk. He collapses down on the carpet and twitches his tail between his legs
Maru The Cat Sleeps On The Sofa
Added 687 Views / 0 LikesThis is the various angles video of Maru who sleeps on the sofa.
Three-toed Sloth Crossing The Road In Costa Rica
Added 842 Views / 0 LikesWhy does a three-toed sloth cross the road? To climb a tree and eat leaves! This is a sloth attempting to cross a busy road in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. You'll see what happens
Baby Elephant Loves Cuddling With Arthur (Original)
Added 854 Views / 0 LikesArthur and I travelled to Chiang Mai, Thailand, from Toronto, Canada, in December 2012 and visited the Patara Elephant Farm to become elephant owners for the day. Unlike other Elephant Parks in Chiang Mai, the staff and owners at Patara focus solely on th
Why Do We Find Giant Pandas So Cute...
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesThe panda's diet makes it unlike any other bear.
Near Death Airplane Collision With Skydiver In Free Fall
Added 747 Views / 0 LikesAfter an uneventful exit.... The pilot dove the airplane 180 degrees right at me and my tandem passenger. how we got so lucky?!?! Not sure. I have never heard of this happening. After some research and talking to friends about it I now know of two other i
2500hp Street Car - INSANE Blown Hemi Alcohol
Added 935 Views / 0 LikesGORGEOUS 1963 Plymouth Valiant sporting a 528 Hemi, Blown running on Alcohol. This is the nicest & nastiest car I have ever seen, ridden in, touched or worked on. Enjoy the video and don't forget to hit that subscribe button! During this video the car was
Cats Valentine - Love Is ... Furball Fables
Added 716 Views / 0 LikesLove is in the air at the Furball house! Happy Valentines Day from Furball Fables! What is love to you? Please feel free to ad to our list in the comments! Starring Merlin, Fairy, Elfin, Buddha and Yogi. id=100001827221250
Capuchin Monkey Flirting - Animals In Love
Added 682 Views / 0 LikesFemale capuchins go to extraordinary lengths to get the attention of a male.