News Special from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)
Tired of the news these days? Check out this special announcement from Tim Conway.
About The Carol Burnett Show
While there’s no truth to the rumor that “CBS” ever stood for The Carol Burnett Show, for eleven seasons and 278 episodes, this star-studded extravaganza of sketch comedy, song and dance became entertainment central for the network and TV viewers. Burnett operated in a relaxed theater setting that allowed her to take questions, cut loose with her famous Tarzan yell and join fellow performers Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence and Lyle Waggoner to have a laugh or sing a song. The show received 25 Emmy Awards and eight Golden Globes, making it one of the most honored shows in television history.
Video Script::
ladies and gentlemen kay leb now brings you a special news announcement here speaking to you live from his office is the president of vortex industries mr. Lloyd Adams vortex Industries is proud to accept the challenge presented by its competition in the industrial failed we have always felt that a challenge is healthy to the true respect of our country's growth the corporates of chert only true power are not soot alone but alien and immense of money processing machinery corporations engines options [Laughter] and vice-versa this appropriate sit only to keep it from working which reminds me of a story about Armour and two hens ft2 for I think it's broken [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the farmer said but it's her eggs [Laughter] [Applause] one time labor unions struggled against this better pay job security and other benefits were won by organizing the masses of workers put their right subscribe [Applause] [Music] Union succeed in shutting down profits ogres and management are thereby forced to decide between non-fiction factory plants meaning of course the production is going to suffer the struggle centers [Music] [Applause] basic material the original purpose of unionism has been eroded by gradual ads of administrative officers and the officers were originally or [Applause] [Music] come from the ranks of money manager financial expressions combine and so we have on one hand big business [Laughter] small independent business [Applause] [Laughter] why can't the two get together [Laughter] is to listen to the problems to speak our mind it's as simple as that so in closing I say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

Janet Added that was such a funny show
Barbara Added Fantastic! Love Carol Burnett and her crew.