How to Attract Birds to Your Garden-Tutorial
Have you ever wanted to know how to attract birds to your garden? Our experts at Vinehouse Farm have put together this video to show you what types of bird to expect in your garden and how you can feed them.
This video acts as a bird feeding tutorial, teaching you how to find out what types of food birds eat by just looking at their bills, as well as giving you tips on how to attract birds to your garden throughout the year. With beautiful videos of birds singing, eating, and flying, you can enjoy the natural sights of the common and less common birds that you will be able to find in your garden.
If you have ever wondered why husk free bird feed mix is better to use than others you may find in shops, you can have all of your questions answered in this video. Whether you are a newcomer or an expert, these top tips give an illustrated guide to how to attract birds to your garden.
In this video, we cover:
- The positioning of feeders to ensure that all species can get food
- Type of feed
- The safety of birds in your garden
- The maintenance and hygiene of feeders
- The best feeders for keeping out unwanted animals such as squirrels.