We are blessed to be able to spend time with some of the most majestic, magical and noble animals on our planet, the horses.
Nanny enjoys a visit to our horses here in the mountains. They always hear us coming and will run to greet Nanny.
There’s no real story to this footage, other than to share the joy of these horses with you.
Summer 2020

gene Added Very pretty and Oh So Restful.....Thanks
Clare Added Thanks Mel. Priceless!!!!!!!!!
KARYN Added I don't know who is the luckiest the cat, the horses or the owner!
Patrick Added Loved that video. What a great environment for those horses, and beautiful horses they are. We have a cat that looks exactly like the one in the video. We call her Fluffy.
mimi Added Nanny looked a little tired at the end of the day!
Teres Added So tranquil. Would like to know what state they are in.
Carolyn Added Loved all the Horses,
Diana Added Absolutely LOVE these videos and love the beauty of the mountains, the horses, and the tranquil life it is.
Shirley U. Added I always enjoy it when you put on a video from Honeysada. I have loved horses since I was a little girl, and the love has never waned. Where if your Ranch? Montana?
mercedes Added These are lucky horses to be free and well cared for. The cat is incredible---I used to have a cat that looked just like this cat, and I could take him anywhere too. He lived to 17 years old.
Hazzard Added BEAUTIFUL horses so fit looking