Growing Up In A Theme Park Video. Comedian Andy Erikson
Growing up in a theme park can be pretty awesome, especially when the theme is what Andy Erikson grew up in!
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okay we got it i'm so excited who's excited oh my gosh me too i'm so excited uh uh here's something that happened today i was talking to my friend and she was like i spent dollars to fill my tank and i was like whoa whoa whoa you drive a deck that's such a good deal [Music] when i was younger i grew up in a theme park yeah the theme of the park was trailer yeah yeah it's pretty cool growing up in a trailer park because you get to pretend like you're a movie star you can be like if you need me i'll be in my trailer so i went to the bathroom today yeah every day yeah we're doing it i went to the bathroom and i looked in the toilet and there there was a wooden shoe in the toilet and i was like oh no the toilet's clogged does that happen to you too but i'm thinking about opening up an italian restaurant in a shady neighborhood and calling it spaghetto i told my friend and he was like or call it olive garden man burn so my favorite class in high school was geography because i got to write a report on whatever i wanted so i wrote a report called if hungry could attack any country it would attack turkey and then it would attack viet nam nom nom so i'm a nerd um and i have a lot of nerdy friends and nerds are cool right but sometimes nerds can be kind of annoying i have a nerdy friend and he's always asking me super nerdy questions like the other day he was like hey what's your favorite element i was like i don't know he's like come on what's your favorite element so i punched him in the face i was like the element of surprise