Gilmore Car Museum Hickory Corners MI #Video
In this video from the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners MI I check out the Lincoln Automobile Dealership they have on the 90 acre campus....The history of the Lincoln Automobile is contained in this building...From the very first through Concept Cars that never made it to market..If You have never been to the Gilmore Car Museum it is defiantly worth a visit...It is 90 acres of perfectly manicured grounds dedicated to the History of the Automobile....The History of transportation. They have several Red Barns that are stuffed full of Automotive History. They also have several other building that are themed exhibits...There is a Old School Ford Dealership....A Cadillac dealership and this Lincoln Dealership...And Old Abe Lincoln is setting at the front door to welcome You in...The Gilmore Car Museum is really well laid out with so much to see...They even have a old Diner that serves some really good eats!!..To keep your energy up while you take in all the automotive history that surrounds You. I was able to shoot several feature videos while on My visit to the Gilmore Car Museum I hope You enjoy this one from the Lincoln Dealership and check out the others when You have time..And for sure make plans to visit the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners MI!!