Today's funny compilation of dogs and cats will make you laugh and will give you a positive charge for the whole day. Enjoy!

Lacey Added very cute and funny laughed out loud several times!
Kathy Added I never tire of seeing these cute animal videos. This one was especially cute and funny.
BA Added Very cute Mel-thanks
gary Added gotta love that
Carol Segal Added Very cute and very funny
Lola Added I LOVED this Video!! So cute and funny!! Animal's are the cutest!!!!
Tom Linton Added A fun one Mel.
swimmer Added Funny but no need for the canned laughter and sound effects.
peggy Added DT, I didn't see any animals being hurt in this video . Mel would never never post any videos of animals or humans being abused . It's never weird to care for mankind and our animal s . I'm a huge lover of our Wonderful World of Animals . Thanks Mel , Many laughs
Patricia Yager Delagrange Added very funny! especially the dog and the ducks at the end
DT Added I guess I'm weird, but I have never found watching either animals or people being hurt/injured funny.
Peg Added Funny!
Randy Ferguson Added Hilarious!
Sherry Added This is a HOOT!