From a kicking Kangaroo to a hair pulling Camel, these are just a couple of the clips you will see in today's video. Enjoy!

Charlie Added Thanks, Mel. Nice video!
BA Added Loved this Mel-Thanks
Carolyn Added Loved every bit of that video. good work Mel
Noreen Added The professor with the cat on his shoulders - so adorable!!!
ELAINE Added fun to watch. Thank You
Patricia Added Loved this video. Really fun to watch.
Mary Jane Added Very amusing Mel, good way to brighten up a gloomy day.
jeff Added The monkey eating the hamster!
Randy Ferguson Added I can't pick a favorite. I liked them all.
Barbara G Added I love the cat videos. I have cats and know what they are like. People who don't like cats, or think they don't don't know what funny they are, how loving, and how rebellious.
mercedes Added Very funny and entertaining videos!
Sheri Added Well Mel these were all so cute it's hard to decide my favorite , I guess I will choose the Red bird flying in on the news lady's head.
Kay Added Good one! Thanks Mel.
Paul Added Funny stuff...Thanks Mel
Steven Added He blonde was my favorite