Fastest Workers Doing Their Job Perfectly #46! Most Satisfying Factory Machines and Ingenious Tools.

carol segal Added They must have to be strong to work like that all day!
gary Added loved the table layer.
iotus2 Added That is a fascinating video - I learned a lot from this one. Thank you!
Bill Bieler Added Fabulous....loved it
Randy Ferguson Added As amazing as this was, repetitive work will always make one faster. For instance, I was a truck driver. You should have seen how fast I drove. Just kidding!
Bonnie Added The first thing I also noticed was these were all Chinese products.
BA Added Mel-it shows college is not needed, only hard work. Unlikely video is from our country.
Sherry Added For what it's worth, this did not appear to be made in the USA on USA soil by USA citizens. Is there a reason for this?
Fez Added Not sure all the machines would fly in the US due to OSHA standards.
Becky Added Fantastic stuff! So interesting and educational. I wonder what the people living back in the 1800's would have thought about today's technology. Their jaws would drop. (Like mine!)