This dog's been obsessed with a baby donkey since the day she was born on the farm sanctuary.
Added Beautiful story. How can anyone not love animals?
Added Loved this video great stuff...I always love dogs and cows and donkey's
Carol Segal
Added Animals can be a lesson to people!
Added so sweet
Lorna Schwarz
Added I have always wanted a miniature donkey or burro, they are so dear and it is amazing to me
how different species love each other (even really odd ball couples. Precious.
Added So much love and caring between animals. Would love to see that in the human world.
Added Beautiful thing to see - The whole world should see this.
Added Great video Mel. I have a mule and a couple of dogs , but to see the interaction between Willow and Colton is a beautiful thing to see.
how different species love each other (even really odd ball couples. Precious.