David Letterman Talks About Thanksgiving And His Childhood Pet Turkey on Carson Tonight Show
David Letterman tells a Thanksgiving Day story from when we was a child, on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Airdate - 11/27/1986 #johnnycarson #davidletterman
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here's a friend of mine whom judge Wapner on this very show warded $24.95 big yes of my hard-earned money because Davis says I stole his truck from in front of his own and the good judge ruled against me for 20 foot even with that he's here tonight Davis got a special tomorrow night on NBC is called David Letterman's second annual holiday Film Festival which is on right after Miami Vice would you welcome David Letterman thank you thank you very much nice to see you here how they cheered when I told him that you beat me out of 2495 well we have naval men in the crowd don't we that's right let's turn this dump over all right yeah are you doing I don't you didn't get a chance to spend any time the service I don't suppose I wanted to they said maybe I was too fit to fit yeah so I didn't get a chance to but I you know wanted to of course I've always admired the Navy and I enjoy the water I was enjoying a glass before I came out here good for you yeah yeah how you doing very nice David good to see you yeah Peter Sameera is that your liver [Laughter] you got that anyway nice of you to give up part of your Thanksgiving to be here thank you very much you could be home I suppose with uribl your family and loved ones yeah Thanksgiving is actually uh I guess my favorite holiday and and I told a story last night on on our television program about a boyhood memory of mine an actual anecdote from the Letterman family file and it worked so nicely and it was so warmly received that I thought I'd tell it here again tonight with your permission of look any any story bears repeating okay good yeah because I have very little material well so it was I guess I was about 11 years old back in Indiana Indianapolis Indiana and the big naval base in Indianapolis I want to protect that coast and my folks and by folks I mean mom and dad decided that it would be fun maybe one year if we would raise our own turkey and then the following year we'd have it for Thanksgiving dinner so we went out to a turkey farm where a turkey ranch and you know they don't come out of a vending machine yeah and we picked that little turkey and we had it there in the backyard and we named it you know we named gave it a name what do you think what do you not your name no no no no no that's right Tom turtle Ramon of course we know Tom turkey and this thing got to be it was like a beloved family pet I mean it would meet the school bus when we would get off school and and walk us back to the house and and he would sleep with us at night and his cute you'd wake up in the morning of those little peck marks on your foot he came at a stop yeah we became attached and so to make a long story short too late if it's possible [Laughter] when when Thanksgiving rolled around we could hardly you know kill the bird you know so we ate our dog memories yeah little bit it says more warm memories of the holiday they give us all pause today speaking of pause we're gonna take one right now too late we're gonna be back too late yeah stay where you are folks [Applause]