Dachshund Left at Home Gives the GUILT TRIP! Caught on Furbo!
For limited time, save BIG on the Furbo Dog Camera with their biggest sale YET: http://hello.furbo.com/Crusoe
Crusoe the dachshund gets left at home by his Mum and Dad when they go out to get a coffee. Crusoe is a very sad dog to be left home alone, so he plays his "guilt trip" to the Furbo Dog Camera watching him, by howling away his sad puppy howl... playing his violin (not figuratively but literally)... and lastly, showing off his sorrowful puppy eyes to the camera.
BUT.. is it really because he is just a sad dachshund to be left alone? Or because the Furbo tosses treats to him every time Mum and Dad feel bad for him. Likely the latter, as you'll see. After all, dachshunds are a smart dog! ;)
Enjoy this funny Crusoe video, sponsored & paid for by Furbo Dog Camera.