Cutest Wagon Ride Ever
Many mornings our 18-month-old granddaughter Max comes out to do chores with us while her mom takes care of her little brother. Among her first words were hay, bucket, and goat! She has no fear around any of the farm animals. (I guess living in a house with two 150+ lb dogs will make you fearless!) It never gets old seeing her wading through a mud puddle, greeting each of the animals as we do chores and carrying buckets to the water hose. As I kid I would have loved to grow up on a farm and now that I am living a life I might have only dreamed of, it is so so fun to share it with Max. Today after chores, we decided to take some time out to play and took Max and the littlest goat kids on a wagon ride. I think they all had fun on the adventure! Figured we would bring you along for the ride too just in case you are dreaming of owning a farm one day, having goats, or a grandkid, or maybe just need a little break from the office! Cheers to you all and all the ways you are taking time to savor whatever the present day has brought you. My daughter, son in law and her kids are moving to their own house later this summer, so I am making every effort to enjoy every moment of having them so close!