Cute song... but I think I'll stick to our traditional Christmas.
Added Cute but could have done without the gun belts.
Added Filmed in Phoenix AZ, I guess I owe you a coffee
Added love this one Mel, Christmas is better in the sand, for sure.
Added It even sorta applies to those of us in the southeast.
Added I loved this. Very cute and if a person likes where they live, nothin' wrong with that. Actually I can see both sides of the issue. Nice not to have to shovel snow or experience bitter cold temps. But on the other hand if you don't mind temps well below freezing along with snow and you even kind of like that zone, God bless ya'.
Added Christmas is better in the sand......on the beach.....on the coast. Cute song. Thanks for sharing, Mel.
Added Rub it in you Snow Birds melting in the sand. Anyway have a Merry Christmas.
Added Fun video and creative song. I'll stick with the northwest and four seasons. I like the changes.
Added I'm pretty sure that was taped here in Arizona. Very cute !!
Added A cool ditty!
Mary Jane
Added I enjoy the changing seasons, and I don't want to live where there are devastating fires, mudslides, droughts, just to name a few.
Added Keep your sand! I'm not crazy about winter here in the northwest but then, we don't have the annual fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, sharks, and stuff like that. Sometimes we get very little snow and I like it like that!
Kieth Merrill
Added And Mel... if you don't post my comment, I'll have to count you among the crazy snowflakes and unsubscribe.
Keith, Sorry you feel that way. If you must go there is an unsubscribe link below each video. - Mel
Tom Linton
Added Cool song!
Added I thoroughly enjoyed this clever video! Good singing, too.
Added It was a catchy tune! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Added HA HA HA, IT'S CUTE. I LIKE IT. have lived in Cal. for 16 years in the 50's, it snowed once in July but did not stay, melted as soon as it hit the grass. thanks, made my day.
Added Thanks Mel-Great music. Merry Christmas,
Added I love it…. So well done… Merry Christmas
Randy Ferguson
Added Being raised in So. California, I never had to shovel snow. If we wanted to play in the snow, we could drive up to Big Bear and they had a lot of snow. It's only about an hour away from where I live. The desert and the beach are also about an hour's drive away. When I was driving truck cross country for a living, I dealt with all the snow I wanted in the winter. Now that I'm retired, I just stay home and enjoy the sunshine. Sometimes it rains, but that's not hard to deal with.
Keith, Sorry you feel that way. If you must go there is an unsubscribe link below each video. - Mel