Children Lay Down on the Ground in the Form of an Arrow, Later the Police Understood Why They Did It
Many fans of superhero movies dream of becoming Spider-Man or Superman at least for one hour. Just imagine: you have superpowers to solve any problem, and all the villains stay away from you. However, you don’t really have to be a character from the Marvel or DC universe in order to save the world. Sometimes random people are here to help. Today we will tell you stories about ordinary citizens without policemen badges who helped detain dangerous criminals.
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Oh everyone many fans of superhero movies dream of becoming spider-man or Superman at least for an hour just imagine you have superpowers to solve any problem and all the villains stay away from you however you don't really have to be a character from the Marvel or DC universes in order to save the world sometimes random people are it's a help today we will tell you stories about ordinary citizens without policeman badges who help detain dangerous criminals let's get it on catching a thief with a lasso Cowboys are one of the most American things ever a key part of their image is the lasso which is a loop of rope made of rawhide in the past it was used mainly for catching runaway castle on a ranch and today at special performances where riders demonstrate their skills Robert barber from the US states of Oregon has impeccable skills when it comes to handling a lasso he also seems to have an incredibly first reaction and this story proves this one day Robert heard a woman's screaming in a supermarket parking lot turned out that a thief had stolen her bike Robert kept his cool saddled up caught up with the robber and with perfect precision through the Loess though of the thief then the cowboy tied the legs at the criminal and called the police witnesses of course were amazed at his skills turns out that Robert is a champion bull rider road-blocking take a look at this footage you have to admit it looks like it came straight from some action movie with fast pursuits dangerous criminals well you won't believe it but in fact what you see is a real record right from the streets of Los Angeles the stolen BMW rushes through the city center ignoring all traffic rules up to a certain point the criminal demonstrates remarkable driving skills for example it drives around obstacles at great speed and fits into sharp turns but this doesn't last long and soon the stolen car drives right into the trunk of the car in front of it realizing that he has seconds to escape the robber quickly jumps out of the saloon with a longboard and continues to flee from the police well not on the longboard but his feast oddly enough in this case it turned out to be a faster and it would be fine perhaps he would even escape from the police car however Lu Pizarro a pickup truck driver got in his way when he saw the criminal he reacted quickly and blocked his path this gave the police a few seconds to catch up and arrest the criminal just instinct just you know like the guy off fancy footwork one day the hearer of our next story whom the police simply called bill went to the library with his granddaughter and then he became a part of an incredible story it happened when he was standing at the entrance to the building suddenly he heard a sound of police sirens and soon noticed a guy running towards him in just a few seconds bill needed to decide what to do ignore and pretend that he didn't see anything well it's somewhat irresponsible stop the criminal not an easy task especially considering that he is armed and in the end the man came up with a great idea apparently he remembered school days and decided to trip the criminal Seville not only helped catch the fugitive but probably save the lives of several people recording a burglar for many children being alone in an empty house is a real test their imagination plays tricks on them and strange rustles scare them especially if the day before they watched a scary movie in any case all of the above definitely doesn't bother this brave girl Taylor from Massachusetts one afternoon she was alone at home and suddenly heard a knock taught by parents not to open the door to strangers the girl decided to quietly peek out to the window she saw a suspicious man trying to knock on her house door then on the neighbors when no one answered the man tried to break into the back door you have to admit any child would have already hidden under the bed shivering fear however she just kept calm and called 9-1-1 describing everything that was happening in detail and before hiding in the closet she also took some photos and videos of the criminal when he was trying to get into her house eventually the detailed information provided by Taylor helped the police quickly detain the criminal after arriving at the crime scene it's amazing how she managed to keep her cool often even adults cannot get it together and stay calm in such situations car chase in 2015 the life of the Charleston city in South Carolina was overshadowed by a terrible tragedy but fortunately the killer was apprehended the very morning after the crime however if not for the hero of this story the search for him could have taken much longer a local woman Debbie dill spent the terrible hours after the crime watching the TV she was so shocked by what had happened that she watched every single newscast the woman was attentive enough to perfectly memorize the suspects face and even the way his car looked so when the next morning she was driving to her work at a flower shop 400 kilometers away from Charleston she immediately noticed this particular car on the road she looked closely at the drivers haircut which was incredibly similar to that of the killer Debbie called her boss who immediately alerts at the place and decided to follow the car and try to write down his license-plate number by then a police patrol was on its way to a location the officers detained the criminal right away and identified him as Dylan roof by the way a couple of years later the murderer was sentenced to death and is currently awaiting execution at Indiana State Prison military training having just returned to his native Florida for a special mission in Iraq war veteran Eddie people's was hardly planning on immediately getting into a dangerous situation however civil life turned out to be full of surprises and suddenly he found himself amid a bank robbery that day Eddie and his two sons went to the local bank branch for a routine errand when suddenly an armed man burst into the room he told the people inside not to move and demanded the employees empty the cash registers and Phyllis bag with money and he did it so casually that in the first few seconds Eddie thought that it was a joke his children even began to laugh whether out of fear or a lack of understanding and attracted unwanted attention to themselves that's when Eddie remembered his military training and came up with a plan of action at once he put the chairs in front of his kids and shielded them with his body the robber meanwhile grabbed the bag full of cash and headed for the axis however the story did not end there and he ran out into the parking lot got into his minivan to follow the criminal and deliberately crashed into his car this of course made the robber angry he got out of the car came up sweaty and put a gun to his face but again Eddie's military training helped in one swift movements he grabbed the robbers arm twisted it and seized the weapon and soon enough the police came to arrest the criminal threatened with a sword never give up hobbies that bring you pleasure you never know when you might need them this guy probably never thought that he'd be able to catch an actual criminal thanks to a homemade sort that he made just for fun it all started when the police officers tried to detain two cyclists for breaking traffic rules in the city of Tampa the cyclist suddenly started to resist and even engaged in a shootout with the officers during the chase one of them decided to climb over the fence and hide in a nearby house he was probably hoping that his menacing appearance and the sounds of gunfire would scare its owner off but they didn't a former US Army soldier called Matt grabbed his sword and was brave enough to face the criminal faced to in many ways it was his actions that helped the police quickly detain the offender running a race the media doesn't disclose the name of the hearer of this video calling him simply a good Samaritan not only was he in the right place at the right time he was also not afraid to confront a fleeing criminal this footage shows the wanted suspects stone Cooper desperately trying to run away from a police officer and a passerby trying to stop him even though the Good Samaritan fails Cooper loses a precious few seconds slows down and falls to the ground it might seem like the pastor buys help as a small thing but sometimes even a small thing can change everything human arrow Easter is one of the favorite holidays of children in Britain there's a tradition to play a special game on this day children have to find chocolate eggs hidden by the adults they search everywhere doesn't matter if it's a small house or a giant field they only need a big and friendly company to make things more fun so a few years ago a group of children and parents from Capel village went on a traditional Easter hunt but suddenly that peaceful pastime was disturbed by the hum of a helicopter flying above it turned out that robbers have broken into a building nearby and the police were trying to establish their location from the air the thieves meanwhile we're running around the field not too far from the children and their parents the smart thing to do was to leave the potentially dangerous place but the kids came up with a better idea they lay down on the ground and made arrows out of their bodies trying to show the police the right direction surprisingly it worked a few minutes later the two criminals were arrested dude are you looking for new technologies and great gadgets are your thoughts focused on the future deal off huge vehicles and can't imagine your life without robots around you then visit tech zone and you'll find all this and more the link is in the description you interested great [Music] [Music]