Try this fun quiz to see how many of these things from the past you remember. What happened to the good old days? From toys to old school modern technology. If you are over 50 you should be able to get most of these correct.

Try this fun quiz to see how many of these things from the past you remember. What happened to the good old days? From toys to old school modern technology. If you are over 50 you should be able to get most of these correct.
Ron, you're right. Wringer. They were mounted on the round washer barrel, which had an agitator, and you would run the clothes through it to squeeze the water out so you could hang them on the wash line outside. A lot of people got their fingers smashed in them rollers. I saw them (now I wonder if they owed their bookie). Then you had to roll is to the drain in the basement and put the short hose in the drain to empty the water. OMGosh. Better than the washboard, I guess. LOL.
We had a "mangler" as well, it was really heavy & made of metal and my mom had me petrified to go near it when she was using it. As an adult, I know why but you're right, it pressed things like the drapes, sheets, tablecloths, even slacks. It was a beast.
Childhood memories. Thanks Mel!