Pets And Animals
03:12 Popular
Moovers and Shakers | Cute Cows Compilation
Added 1,494 Views / 0 LikesWatch these moooooooooooovers and shakers also known as a bunch of ridiculously cute cows and one little shaker! Get a mooooove on and enjoy this cute cow compilation! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funn
03:37 Popular
Experience the Elusive Tiger | Racing Extinction (360 Video)
Added 1,144 Views / 0 LikesThey are nature's largest and most mysterious feline predators -- and they need our help. As Discovery embarks on a landmark project to protect endangered tigers, take a step into the world of tigers and experience these legendary creatures up close. Join
05:01 Popular
Waiting for a Forever Home: Mr. McGee | Pit Bulls & Parolees
Added 929 Views / 0 LikesMr. McGee has come a long way from being an emaciated dog eating crawfish under a car. See how his winning personality and calm demeanor make him a great family pet today. Stream Full Episodes Now:
05:16 Popular
Waiting for a Forever Home: Gemmill | Pit Bulls & Parolees
Added 842 Views / 0 LikesFour years after being rescued from a 40-foot hole in the ground, Gemmill has become the "office dog" at Villalobos. While it is a noble title, the one that continues to allude him is "pet." Stream Full Episodes Now:
03:13 Popular
Animal Ear Hair Clips | Critter Crafts
Added 944 Views / 0 LikesJoin us for this week's episode of Critter Crafts as we teach you how to make your very own animal ear hair clips! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think anima
05:01 Popular
Waiting for a Forever Home: Susie | Pit Bulls & Parolees
Added 1,060 Views / 0 LikesHeartbreakingly separated from her former owner after a neighborhood dispute, Susie is still looking for a family that will love her as much as her previous one. Stream Full Episodes Now: Subscr
03:14 Popular
Today I Learned: Nothing!
Added 1,213 Views / 0 LikesI guarantee you, you will learn absolutely nothing from this video. But you will get a good laugh out of it and the comment section should be amazing! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal video
03:12 Popular
Mother's Day Animal Moms | Happy Mother's Day 2018
Added 1,136 Views / 0 LikesHappy Mother's Day to all of the amazing moms out there! Today we celebrate moms in all walks of life from humans to dogs to cats to bears! We wouldn't be anywhere without our moms, so this one is for them! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending c
05:01 Popular
Waiting for a Forever Home: Wanda | Pit Bulls & Parolees
Added 887 Views / 0 LikesWanda's maternal instincts led Marcel and Lizzy to her missing pups in one of the most heartwarming reunions you'll ever see. Her puppies have since found forever homes, but she continues to wait for one of her own. Stream Full Episodes Now: https://www.a
01:56 Popular
Bird Tap Dances On Everything | Dancing Queen
Added 1,081 Views / 0 LikesTotoro the cockatiel is a dancing queen and loves to tap dance on every surface possible! Put on your dancing shoes and shake your tail feathers with this hilarious bird! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and f
04:46 Popular
Waiting for a Forever Home: Thick and Molasses | Pit Bulls & Parolees
Added 838 Views / 0 LikesFour years after being rescued underneath a two-ton pile of wood, Thick and Molasses are still bonded together and looking for a forever home. Stream Full Episodes Now: Subscribe to Animal Plane
06:22 Popular
Best Pets of the Week | May 2018 Week 2
Added 690 Views / 0 LikesThis week's best pets of the week includes a bulldog living his best life in a helicopter, two rap siblings fighting over food, a tap dancing cockatiel and more! Enjoy this funny pet compilation! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most
03:12 Popular
Howling Howlers | Funny Pet Video Compilation
Added 983 Views / 0 LikesThese howling howlers have a whole lot to say! From singing huskies to howling wolves, these pups have some of the most beautiful voices you'll ever hear! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal v
03:12 Popular
Cool Cats Compilation
Added 1,023 Views / 0 LikesThese are by far some of the coolest cats around! It's a cat's world, we're just living in it! Watch this compilation of these cool cats living these cool cat lives! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funnie
03:05 Popular
Mantas Flying on the Edge | Racing Extinction (360 Video)
Added 957 Views / 0 LikesA group of more than 50 Manta Rays feeding on plankton appeared, demonstrating their curiosity and grace. "Flying" through the waters off the coast of Mexico these aquatic wonders appeared while feeding near whale sharks. Join a conservation biologist on
03:13 Popular
DIY Rocket Mice Cat Toys | Critter Crafts
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesThese DIY Rocket Mice cat toys are out of this world! Follow along with Lora as she shows you how to make these adorable little rocket mice toys that your cat will love! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and fu