Pets And Animals
Woman Tapes Little Turtle’s Broken Shell Back Together #Video
Added 676 Views / 0 LikesWoman tapes turtles broken shell back together and the most amazing thing happens
Woman Terrified Of Spiders Lets One Move Into Her Houseplant #Video
Added 689 Views / 0 LikesWoman terrified of spiders lets one live in her houseplant — just in time for her to have 99 spider babies
Woman thought her cat didn't have much time. Then this happened. #Video
Added 385 Views / 0 LikesWoman thought her cat didn't have much time. Then this happened. #Video
Woman Throws A 'Rave Bath' For Her Cat Who Loves Bath Time #Video
Added 1,427 Views / 0 LikesCat LOVES taking baths — so his mom comes up with the cutest idea to take his obsession to the next level
Woman Tries For 3 Years To Win Over Feral Cat #Video
Added 698 Views / 0 LikesWoman spends 3 years trying to win over a feral cat — and can't believe what finally works!
Woman Tries To Win Over Stray Cat However She Can #Video
Added 16k Views / 0 LikesWoman tries to win over stray cat by building him his own house (he still prefers to sleep in her chair!)
Woman Turns Backyard Shed Into An Apartment For Stray Cats #Video
Added 1,193 Views / 0 LikesWhen Addy moved into her new house, she was surprised to see that it came with five stray cats! After getting to know her new friends, she slowly started turning her backyard into their very own paradise.
Woman Visits A Chained Up Dog For Over A Year #Video
Added 1,113 Views / 0 LikesThis woman finds a very sweet akita that has been chained to a tree for more than four years. After animal control does nothing, she decides to visit her and feed her for an entire year. Watch when she finally takes her home, she gets to play in snow for
Woman Wakes Up To Her Cats Doing The Cutest Thing! #Video
Added 780 Views / 0 LikesThis cat was so jealous when her parents brought a new cat home — then her mom wakes up to the most amazing sight at 5 a.m.
Woman was so sad to say goodbye to her favorite blue jays when she moved... then this happened
Added 618 Views / 0 LikesWoman was so sad to say goodbye to her favorite blue jays when she moved... then this happened
Woman was told to put her blind dog down. Her response was perfect. #Video
Added 988 Views / 0 LikesWoman was told to put her blind dog down. Her response was perfect. #Video
Woman Wasn't A Cat Person Video — Until She Met This Kitten
Added 1,007 Views / 0 LikesWhen this woman found a freezing little kitty in her basement, she swore she wouldn't get attached because she wasn't a cat person. As the weeks rolled by, she slowly started to realize she was falling in love with the kitten and that she had to adopt her
Woman Wasn't A Cat Person — Until She Met This Kitten #Video
Added 410 Views / 0 LikesWoman finds a newborn kitten under her house and promises not to adopt her
Woman Watches Her Neighbors Abandon Their Cat #Video
Added 553 Views / 0 LikesWoman watches her neighbors abandon their senior cat — and decides she has to have him
Woman Went to Get a Table But Came Home With a Bunny #Video
Added 642 Views / 0 LikesOne day, Sharon decided to buy a coffee table but ended up adopting a rescue bunny. Peanut adjusted to her new home quickly. But soon she started to feel bad. It was a neurological damage. They didn’t know if she was going to survive. But she did, a
Woman Who Doesn’t Like Dogs Fosters A Destructive Pup #Video
Added 736 Views / 0 LikesWoman who doesn’t like dogs fosters a destructive pup — watch when they realize they have the same passion...sort of