Pets And Animals
Woman Rescues Two Squirrels And Now They Visit Her Everyday #Video
Added 1,045 Views / 0 LikesWoman rescues two baby squirrels and they visit everyday after she set them free
Woman Rescues Woodpecker Trapped In A Car's Bumper #Video
Added 1,036 Views / 0 LikesWoman hears this woodpecker crying for help, and discovers the most shocking scene.
Woman Reunites Bonded Wild Horses #Video
Added 999 Views / 0 LikesThese two wild horse BFFs got separated during a round up — watch them reunite and take their first steps of freedom together
Woman Rushes To Rescue An Aggressive Husky With An Hour Left To Live #Video
Added 625 Views / 0 Likes'Aggressive' husky had less than an hour to live — watch what happens when she brings him home to her dog
Woman Saves 1 Horse — Then Ends Up Rescuing 200 More Animals | The Dodo Heroes #Video
Added 728 Views / 0 LikesWoman saves a sad, skinny horse — watch when she starts coming to greet her every single morning
Woman Saves 850 Senior Dogs And They Have Their Own Bedrooms #Video
Added 642 Views / 0 LikesWhispering Willows Senior Dog Sanctuary is a non-profit hospice for dogs. Valerie has rescued over 850 dogs from neglect, homelessness and losing an owner. The dogs are not adoptable and this is their forever home. Special thanks to Valerie & Whisperi
Woman saves a squirrel's life. Now he refuses to leave her home. #Video
Added 750 Views / 0 LikesWoman raises a squirrel and discovers they are anything but 'tree rats'
Woman Saves An Orphaned Baby Squirrel #Video
Added 361 Views / 0 LikesRescued baby squirrel refuses to leave the woman who raised him — until he gets released with his new baby squirrel friends
Woman Saves Baby Fox Who’s Head Gets Stuck In A Jar #Video
Added 1,461 Views / 0 LikesWoman stays up all night trying to save a baby fox with a jar stuck on his head...the moment she rescues him is perfect
Woman Saves Baby Squirrel That Dog Brought Home #Video
Added 12.8k Views / 0 LikesHere's Winston's story from his mom: Winston came to me in May of 2020. My friend was visiting the ranch with her dog who caught Winston and brought him back to her. He was so tiny. We didn't expect him to live, but we put him in a box with a blanket to r
Woman saves deer in backyard #Video
Added 430 Views / 0 LikesAn act of kindness is never wasted
Woman saves dog but there's a catch #Video
Added 326 Views / 0 LikesMeadow’s story is a heartwarming testament to the power of compassion and the potential for second chances. Rescued from the brink of euthanasia, Meadow has found solace and purpose with her foster caregiver, Emmy. This article explores Meadow's jou
Woman Saves Dumped Pet Bunny From The Train Tracks #Video
Added 619 Views / 0 LikesWoman saves abandoned pet bunny from the train tracks and introduces her to the perfect husbun
Woman Saves Hundreds Of Birds From Illegal Poaching #Video
Added 443 Views / 0 LikesThis woman volunteers for CABS who save hundreds of birds from illegal poaching, whether they're stuck in a poacher's net or limesticks. They even save a giant owl!
Woman Saves Hundreds Of Island Puppies Every Day #Video
Added 694 Views / 0 LikesEvery day a woman wakes up and spends her whole day saving stray dogs. She can add rescuer to her Résumé as she saves and cuddles with hundreds of puppies
Woman saves kitten from the middle of the road #Video
Added 311 Views / 0 LikesHe was so lucky she pulled over to save him and give him his forever home #Video