Pets And Animals
Woman Goes Out Every Day For A Year To Get Stray Pittie To Trust Her #Video
Added 647 Views / 0 LikesWoman goes out every day to gain a scared, stray pittie's trust — and her heart explodes the day it all pays off
Woman Goes To A Dumping Ground For Dogs Every Day At 4 a.m. For 10 Years #Video
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesWoman's been going to a 'dumping ground' to save abandoned dogs every morning for 10 years — wait and see the before and afters that make it all SO worth it You can help Judy rescue more animals here:
Woman Goes To Italy On Vacation And Comes Home With A Puppy #video
Added 666 Views / 0 LikesWoman on vacation in Italy rescues a puppy — wait until they get home and he meets the family parrot
Woman Goes To Papa John's And Ends Up Rescuing Kittens #Video
Added 1,341 Views / 0 LikesWoman goes to Papa John's to pick up pizza — and it turns into a rescue mission
Woman Going For A Jog Finds A Meowing Stray Cat #Video
Added 674 Views / 0 LikesWoman going for a jog finds a stray cat, but her Corgi hates cats — watch what happens when they meet
Woman Going For A Jog Finds A Meowing Stray Cat #Video
Added 559 Views / 0 LikesWoman going for a jog finds a stray cat, but her Corgi hates cats — watch what happens when they meet
Woman has best response when she discovers her dog is deaf #Video
Added 1,537 Views / 0 LikesWoman has best response when she discovers her dog is deaf #Video
Woman has birthday party for dog in shelter for 1000 days #Video
Added 279 Views / 0 LikesWoman has birthday party for dog in shelter for 1000 days
Woman has spent years making this senior dog happy #Video
Added 809 Views / 0 LikesThis woman has spent years making a senior dog happy
Woman has sweetest response when street cat asks for help #Video
Added 366 Views / 0 LikesWoman has sweetest response when street cat asks for help #Video
Woman Hears Tiniest Cries Coming From A Shed | The Dodo
Added 3,127 Views / 0 LikesThis lady heard "pterodactyl" cries coming from a shed! Video Script:: I walked over there to the fence line and was like looking in the woods looking like on the fence - she was trapped in the fence being in the trees but then I saw the shed the nois
Woman Helps Parrot Fly For The First Time #Video
Added 629 Views / 0 Likes25-year-old parrot flies for the first time with Mom's help... and she's thrilled when she gets a brother her exact age!
Woman In Denial Doesn't Want To Admit She's A Cat Mom #Video
Added 312 Views / 0 LikesThere's nothing you can say to convince Moriah she's a cat lady...
Woman In Romania Spends Days Trying To Catch Terrified Street Dogs | The Dodo Faith = Restored
Added 978 Views / 0 LikesThis woman saw two stray dogs on the street that she knew needed help. She spent days earning their trust and the look on these dogs' faces when they're finally home
Woman insists her dog's smart, he just hides it #Video
Added 513 Views / 0 LikesWoman insists her dog's smart, he just hides it #Video
Woman invites wild cockatoo for dinner. Then she discovers their surprising smell. #Video
Added 594 Views / 0 LikesWoman invites wild cockatoo for dinner. Then she discovers their surprising smell. #Video