Pets And Animals
Woman Finds a Stray Kitten In a Store And Changes Its Life #Video
Added 780 Views / 0 LikesA kind-hearted woman from Ohio was on a shopping trip in a Walmart when she saw a young kitten wandering up and down the aisles meowing over and over! Though a completely unexpected event, this was something the woman, Annie, had always hoped would happen
Woman Finds A Tiny Kitten On Her Front Steps #Video
Added 856 Views / 0 LikesWoman finds a tiny kitten on her front steps asking for a home — and realizes she gives the sweetest little kisses when she tries to nurse
Woman Finds A Tiny, Mangey Puppy On The Street #Video
Added 803 Views / 0 LikesThis woman found a tiny, mangey puppy in the street in Sri Lanka, wagging her tiny tail so hard. Watch her get nursed back to health, and transform into a confident, playful puppy who follows her new mom everywhere
Woman Finds Abandoned 6 Week Old Puppy On The Beach #Video
Added 1,059 Views / 0 LikesWoman finds a 6-week-old puppy on the beach who curls up in her purse
Woman Finds Abandoned Kittens. Bull Terrier Falls In Love With Them #Video
Added 784 Views / 0 LikesSunshine the Bull Terrier and his owner stumbled upon a litter of abandoned kittens, they didn’t know what was bound to happen. Being a cat lover since day one, Sunshine took to the babies and protected them day and night. All under the owners&rsquo
Woman finds baby animals on the ground #Video
Added 465 Views / 0 LikesWoman thought she rescued baby squirrels – but soon learned it was something else.
Woman Finds Her Dogs Doing The Cutest Thing With The New Kitten #Video
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesDogs didn't know what to do with the new rescue kitten — until one day their mom finds them in the cutest position eve
Woman Finds Pittie Trapped in a Stolen Bus #Video
Added 797 Views / 0 LikesWoman rescues pittie puppy from a hot, stolen bus and gives her a huge surprise
Woman finds rat on the street. Now she can't live without him. #Video
Added 782 Views / 0 LikesWoman finds rat on the street. Now she can't live without him. #Video
Woman Finds Snow Prints Leading To Abandoned House With Pittie Inside #Video
Added 279 Views / 0 LikesShe just wanted to find a warm place during a blizzard
Woman Finds Stray Mama Cat And Kittens Outside Her Office #Video
Added 723 Views / 0 LikesWoman rescues stray mama cat and kittens outside her office — you'll never guess what the vet discovers
Woman Finds Tiny Kitten In Her Backyard #Video
Added 747 Views / 0 LikesWoman finds the tiniest kitten in her backyard — watch when she meets their adult cat
Woman Flies 15 Hours To Adopt Amputee Cat #video
Added 290 Views / 0 LikesHis recovery is truly a miracle, and so is his adoption story...
Woman Flies Across Country To Adopt A Bird She’s Never Met #Video
Added 1,053 Views / 0 LikesWatch this scared bird melt into the arms of his new mom.
Woman follows desperate cries coming from dry riverbed #Video
Added 12.8k Views / 0 LikesHero woman jumps down into a dry riverbed after hearing desperate cries for help
Woman Foster Fails From Across The World #Video
Added 821 Views / 0 LikesWoman fosters a dog while she's on vacation but has to fly home — watch the amazing moment they reunite 5 months later