Pets And Animals
07:58 Popular
PJ The Adorable Puppy Finds The Loving Home He Deserves | Pit Bulls & Parolees
Added 993 Views / 0 LikesAfter recently losing her two dogs, Kelly is looking for a new pup to welcome into her home. She instantly falls in love with little PJ, a pit bull puppy one of the Villalobos team bought for $20 and brought to the rescue centre to find him a real home. S
03:13 Popular
Lil Loungers
Added 509 Views / 0 LikesPenciling in a little me(ow) time The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube official right here, ri
05:32 Popular
The Fabulous Fossa: Madagascar's Greatest Predator
Added 750 Views / 0 LikesThe fossa may be Madagascar's most revered predator, but it is also the one of the most elusive animals in the local ecosystem. Dave Salmoni breaks down the little things we do know about this unique species. Subscribe to Animal Planet: https://www.youtub
06:49 Popular
Huge 9 Foot Long Gator Rescued From Family Pond | Gator Boys
Added 783 Views / 0 LikesThe guys are called out to catch a massive gator who has been living in a family's pond, and take him back to the Everglades Holiday Park. Stream Full Episodes of Gator Boys: Subscribe to Animal Planet: ht
03:13 Popular
Best Pets of the Week | October 2018 Week 1
Added 602 Views / 0 LikesHI DO YOU LOVE PETS? COOL. The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube official right here, right meo
07:46 Popular
Dave Salmoni's Dangerous Mission To Live With Wild Lions
Added 983 Views / 0 LikesAfter undergoing training at Bowmanville Zoo in Ontario, Dave Salmoni heads to the Thornybush Private Game Reserve in South Africa to spend three months deep within the no-go zone of a pride of wild lions, trying to win their trust. Subscribe to Animal Pl
04:35 Popular
Rescuing An Injured Owl With Head Injuries From A Car Accident | North Woods Law
Added 881 Views / 0 LikesConservation Officer Bob Mancini is on the way to pick up an injured owl which was hit by a car. He checks it over and takes it to a rehabilitation centre to give it the best chance of survival. Stream Full Episodes of North Woods Law: https://www.animalp
03:11 Popular
Baby Turtles Hatch and Crawl Towards the Ocean
Added 993 Views / 0 LikesWe feel you, turtle bbs The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube official right here, right meow:
07:55 Popular
Tatenda the Rhino Is Ready to Move out of the House
Added 668 Views / 0 LikesTatenda the rhino and Pogs the warthog have lived with John and Judy travers for 10 months, ever since they were both young babies. It's finally time for them both to have their first taste of living in the wild, by moving out onto a wildlife reserve. Sub
03:12 Popular
Added 710 Views / 0 LikesWe, like, really love cats The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube official right here, right meo
07:59 Popular
Family Needs To Step Up To Help Their Shar-Pei Get Active | My Big Fat Pet Makeover
Added 693 Views / 0 LikesNiko the mini Shar-Pei lives with a super active family, but over the years he's managed to keep putting on the pounds. They claim it's because he's lazy, but it's time to make some big changes if they want to help him get to a healthy weight. Stream Full
03:12 Popular
Today I Learned: Geese
Added 869 Views / 0 LikesI thought I knew everything about geese, but I geese not The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube
07:36 Popular
Badly Injured Beagle Needs To Find A New Home | Dr Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesJake the Beagle is brought in to the clinic completely covered in nasty bite wounds from a dog attack. The team clean him up and make sure there's no lasting damage, but struggle to get in touch with the owner. Will Jake be yet another unwanted animal lef