Pets And Animals
Garfield Story by honeysada
Added 10k Views / 0 LikesThis is the story of a cat, that one day came seemingly from nowhere and started living with a new family. They called him Garfield, but later found out that he has different name...
Swimming Cat Didga
Added 733 Views / 0 LikesAll cats can swim, but very few swim willingly like Didga. Swimming since she was a kitten (most of you have seen the earlier videos?) I haven't posted video of her swimming for a while, but last week we stopped at this really beautiful picnic camp area o
Dog Looks Exactly Like A Big Teddy Bear
Added 862 Views / 0 LikesDog Looks Exactly Like A Big Teddy Bear | This rescue dog has the smushiest face and literally looks like a big teddy bear
Dog Loves When Dad Buries Him In The Sand
Added 804 Views / 0 LikesDog Loves When Dad Buries Him In The Sand | Bury me in the sand
NINJA CATS vs DOGS - Who Wins?
Added 933 Views / 0 LikesFunny brave cats and kitties vs dogs. What do you think who will win??
Rescue Dog Knows Exactly How To Comfort His Favorite Person | The Dodo Soulmates
Added 1,334 Views / 0 LikesRescue Dog Knows Exactly How To Comfort His Favorite Person | When this girl was starting freshman year of college, she suddenly lost her childhood cat and felt so alone. That's when she started volunteering at an animal shelter — where she ended up
Funny Squirrel Literally Being a Pest
Added 814 Views / 0 LikesSorry to be such a pest, but can I have one of your Sunflower Seeds? For the 13th time stop pestering me - the answer is no! That's how many I counted anyway. Watch for a cameo by a Nuthatch and a Blue jay and the baby Red Squirrel who also runs off the r
Hummingbirds In Slow Motion - HD
Added 1,234 Views / 0 LikesOver 20 amazing Facts about Hummingbirds. Slow motion footage of the hummingbird in Full HD. Great for school nature projects. Watch hummingbirds fly in ULTRA slow motion. Watch the humming bird hover and fly backwards in slow motion. Videos of hummingbir
Guy Helps Squirrel Trying To Swim In Lake
Added 751 Views / 0 LikesGuy Helps Squirrel Trying To Swim In Lake | This is so sweet
Invisible Biker Prank on Strangers
Added 834 Views / 0 LikesThe strangers watch helplessly as the bike is stolen by an invisible man. How do you catch an invisible man?!
Funniest Halloween Pets Compilation of 2018 | Funny Pet Videos
Added 831 Views / 0 LikesTo help get you into the Halloween spirit, Funny Pet Videos presents a brand new weekly theme compilation featuring the funniest cats and dogs bloopers, clips, reactions and moments.
Watch This Little Dog Make The Craziest Recovery - NOODLES | The Dodo
Added 942 Views / 0 LikesWatch This Little Dog Make The Craziest Recovery | This puppy had one week to live — but miracles happen every day
Dog wearing crocodile mascot prank
Added 861 Views / 0 LikesYou of course remember that old prank where someone dressed their little friendly dog up as a huge spider, and then set up an elaborate prank for unsuspecting victims.... here's one equally as hilarious. The dog is in an alligator costume, and it looks re
Mae Phong Sri the injured leg elephant
Added 645 Views / 0 LikesIt is never too late to rescue any old elephant, if we can see that they have not given up. Even if they suffer and struggle, their spirit can be defiant of an ending, and we will never give up on them. Mae Phong Sri, was so weak and very old. She could h
Bird Has The Cutest Way Of Asking Person For Pets | The Dodo
Added 907 Views / 0 LikesBird Has The Cutest Way Of Asking Person For Pets | PETS PLEASE