Pets And Animals
How to Catch a Mud Dragon in Virtual Reality!
Added 855 Views / 0 LikesHave you ever witnessed a giant snapping turtle in virtual reality? On this episode of Dragon Tails, Coyote sets out on kayak to catch one of the largest snapping turtles, Big Daddy, for an exciting virtual reality experience! Will this dragon cooperate f
Dog Survives Car Hit and Proves Miracles Exist
Added 1,191 Views / 0 LikesDagwood was living a perfect life of adventure with his sister, Bucket, and his parents, Brianna and Keith, but then the unimaginable happened when he was hit by a car. Doctors said he only had a 10% chance of surviving. Watch him prove everyone wrong as
Beer box. Maru and Hana
Added 701 Views / 0 LikesHana likes a cat toy and Maru likes a beer box.
Lions, Tigers, Bears & more rescued from Canada Roadside Zoo
Added 1,042 Views / 0 LikesThe Humane Society of the United States Right now, we are caring for more than 100 wild and exotic animals seized this morning by officials in a criminal code case from a roadside zoo in Quebec, Canada. Lions, tigers, leopards, camels, zebras, kangaroos,
Cutest Wagon Ride Ever
Added 832 Views / 0 LikesMany mornings our 18-month-old granddaughter Max comes out to do chores with us while her mom takes care of her little brother. Among her first words were hay, bucket, and goat! She has no fear around any of the farm animals. (I guess living in a house wi
Crazy Crash with Strüdel the Haflinger horse...
Added 1,110 Views / 0 LikesColt Strüdel is a bit to crazy... The Haflingers can also play outside. Strüdel van Frankenastate (Liz. Sterngold) Röschen (Liz. Novembernebel) Weldaad (Liz. Wallenstein)
Baby Elephants First Water Trip | The Long Walk Home | BBC Earth
Added 1,294 Views / 0 LikesTraversing the elephant highways of the Kalahari Desert is thirsty work, especially for this hour-old elephant calf on his first ever trip to water. Thousands upon thousands of elephants struggle through a dust-laden, apocalyptic landscape. Whirlwinds of
Bear Saves Bird From Drowning. Your Daily Dose Of Internet
Added 11.2k Views / 0 LikesFrom a bear saving drowning bird, a giant ball of burning matches to a deer and dog at play, these are just a few of the clips you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
Goat KIds Gone Wild!
Added 1,132 Views / 0 LikesWhile the mamas eat their grain each night the babies kick up their heels! Maybe they know they have the pasture to themselves, maybe they know it’s almost time to go to bed, but every night for that 10 minutes the field is joyful mayhem! It is so m
People Who Moved Away For Their Pets
Added 959 Views / 0 LikesWould you change your whole life for your pet? Watch these five families change up their whole lifestyle for the comfort of their pets!
4 Reasons Why Boxer Dogs Are the Weirdest (But the Cutest)
Added 1,081 Views / 0 LikesBoxers are WEIRD. They’re goofy and love to mess around. But they are the sweetest pups around!
Cats VS Laser Pointers - Cole and Marmalade
Added 763 Views / 0 LikesSubscribe: Cats + Laser Pointers = Lots of fun! … ZigZag loses her little mind when the red dot appears!! (stay tuned for the ...
Watch this 1-Pound Bulldog Puppy Grow Up to Have the Most Amazing ROLLS | The Dodo Little But Fierce
Added 1,091 Views / 0 LikesWhen Mathilda Swan was rescued, she was so sick and skinny that her new parents didn't know if she’d make it. But they knew they had to make sure Mathilda knew how loved she was whether she was with them for a day or for years to come.
Added 9,194 Views / 0 LikesFUNNY CATS AND BABIES PLAYING TOGETHER #4 | Funny Babies and Pets Description: Cats and babies spending some free time together :D
Newborn Goat Triplets
Added 918 Views / 0 LikesThese three little peanuts arrived last night! Ginger is a first-time mom and is doing great taking care of them all. Their names are Gus (mostly black), Dorothy (mostly golden) and Galileo (mostly grey). With just three goats left to kid out of 26 mamas,