Pets And Animals
Street cat melts his way into trucker's heart #Video
Added 338 Views / 0 LikesStreet cat melts his way into trucker's heart
Five and a half months in five and a half minutes! | Yukon Wildlife Cams #Video
Added 8,480 Views / 0 LikesFrom spring through summer and into fall, enjoy the variety of wildlife that pass by this single camera location in the Yukon wilderness from 2021. Highlights include both grizzly and black bears showing interest in a scent marking tree, a pair of lynx at
Birds Feasting Amongst Autumn Berries | Garden Birds | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 269 Views / 0 LikesWatch blue tits, robins, great tis, and bullfinches flit among the rich autumn berries looking for insects and fruit to feast on. Whilst robins and bullfinches are will feed on bright hawthorn and rowan berries, the blue tits search for insects to feed up
Golden Retriever Begs Dad To Perform Magic Tricks For Her #Video
Added 408 Views / 0 LikesShe even brings him socks to use in her favorite trick!
Rescued raven feeds her friends with her own food #Video
Added 340 Views / 0 LikesRescued raven feeds her friends with her own food #Video
People Kept Driving By Stray Dog In Parking Lot
Added 345 Views / 0 LikesPeople drove by this stray dog living in a parking lot for months — until one woman stopped. Now he has the cutest haircut and two bunny best friends
Lonely squirrel adopts a human family #Video
Added 281 Views / 0 LikesLonely squirrel adopts a human family #Video
Young Klaus & The Shetland Team | Emma Massingale #Video
Added 298 Views / 0 LikesHi everyone, It’s been a while! So much has happened over the last year and I have a huge backlog of videos to edit for my Chanel. I am a bit out of sync but this video is of a new young horse called Klaus who I purchased from France back in the sum
A summer on a bear trail #Video
Added 280 Views / 0 LikesThe sheer number of different bears on this trail during the past summer is amazing (20-30 different bears?). And this is the only wildlife trail we have found that consistently has this kind of bear activity. We pulled the SD card on this camera yesterda
Let's Go Mushroom Foraging in the Old Pine Woods | Dani Connor Wild #Video
Added 255 Views / 0 LikesLet's Go Mushroom Foraging in the Old Pine Woods | Dani Connor Wild #Video
The greatest donkey loving live music #Video
Added 227 Views / 0 LikesThe greatest donkey loving live music #Video
AMAZING CHAINSAW wood carving, Wooden Pet Sculpture, Dog 'Pedro' #Video
Added 6,024 Views / 0 Likes"In this video, I tried to make a wood sculpture of the pet "Pedro". Wood carving is my hobby and passion! I carve various sculptures, including animals." ~Vlad Carving if you want to contact me:
Submissive Pittie Became 'Aggressive' When Her Puppies Were Born | The Dodo
Added 305 Views / 0 LikesPittie couldn't stop shaking once her babies were born — wait to see what she's like now
The CUTEST and FUNNIEST KITTENS and CATS You'll want more!
Added 345 Views / 0 LikesWhen your cat chooses you as their favorite napping spot
Shelter cat starts to hop like bunny after adoption
Added 374 Views / 0 LikesShelter cat starts to hop like bunny after adoption