Pets And Animals
7 Mythical Creatures That Existed in Real Life Video
Added 1,889 Views / 0 Likes7 Mythical Creatures That Existed in Real Life Video Video Script:: seven mythical creatures that existed in real life for the most part myths are stories of old once told by those who wanted to explain a phenomenon or by parents who wanted to scare t
7 Reasons to Stop Hating Pigeons | The Dodo
Added 779 Views / 0 LikesPigeons have a bit of a bad reputation. Learn 7 reasons why you should grow to love these small birds with big personalities!
7 Signs That Your Child Is Being Raised By Huskies #Video
Added 718 Views / 0 Likes7 signs that your child is being raised by huskies, you won't want to miss #1
7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean
Added 1,079 Views / 0 LikesMeowing, Purring, Trilling, Chattering, Yowling, Hissing and Growling Cats! … Have your cats made all of these noises?
7 Wonderful Wolves Strike a Perfect Pose #Video
Added 547 Views / 0 LikesWhen it comes to teamwork, we can learn a lot from animals — specifically, wolves.For wolves, every day is about survival. Wolves rely on each other to function, thrive, and survive. As highly social animals, wolves live in structured family units c
74-pound Senior Foster Dog Thinks She's A Chihuahua #Video
Added 938 Views / 0 Likes74-pound senior dog who thinks she's a chihuahua needs a home
8 Animals That Were Born With Incredible Features
Added 1,062 Views / 0 LikesDo you think the artists who came up with the fantastic beasts of Newt Scamander have a crazy imagination? Well, they can never beat nature, because it creates animals so amazing one can hardly believe they are real. Of course, we are not talking about ni
8 Minis go to Minions Video - Emma Massingale
Added 15.2k Views / 0 Likes"It was time to put my mini's ( Em, Albert, Ernie, Peggy, Stan, Cedric, Cyril, Percy, Syd x )recent training to the test and take all eight ponies out across Bodmin moor for a little adventure. We started at Minions...yes that is right my minis went to Mi
10:02 Popular
Added 675 Views / 0 LikesBRAIN TIME ► Have you ever thought about the fact that our body is not as simple as it seems at first glance? It turns out, that on our hands, feet, back and even head we have special points, pressing on which relieves of painful sen
8 Rules To Fostering a Pregnant Cat #Video
Added 603 Views / 0 Likes8 rules to fostering a pregnant cat — #4 will make your heart melt
8 Signs Your Cat Is Actually A Dog #Video
Added 19.5k Views / 0 LikesThe adoption form says "cat" but I'm not so sure. And to all who are worried about his panting after lots of play, he's fine. Every cat I've ever had has panted as a kitten after lots of play, and they were all fine. Shorty panted when she was a kitten af
8 Signs Your Man Is A Keeper #Video
Added 11.6k Views / 0 Likes8 signs your man's a keeper — number 3 is so extreme
80-Pound Dog Thinks He’s A Big Baby | The Dodo
Added 2,480 Views / 0 LikesThis dog thinks he’s a big baby, so his parents treat him like one.
84-Year-Old Lady Is Best Friends With This Pup
Added 2,195 Views / 0 LikesThis little dog's obsessed with her 84-year-old Nana Video Script:: let me get some ants out Sally will trot straight through got on the floor roll over and then I would scratch her give her a kiss and blows raspberries on a net and sadly loves it an
85-Pound Cane Corso Worked SO Hard To Be A Good Girl | The Dodo Adopt Me!
Added 1,258 Views / 0 LikesAri, an 85-pound cane corso, was surrendered by her family when they were moving. She wasn't very fond of dogs and would lunge at anyone who walked by. But she has been working SO hard to be a good girl — now she just needs someone who gets her. For