Videos Section 2
Lean On Me | Playing For Change
Added 848 Views / 0 LikesWe're proud to present a brand new Song Around The World, Lean On Me"
Cats Are The Best Pest Control!
Added 772 Views / 0 LikesScared of spiders? Hate bugs? ADOPT A CAT = Problem Solved! :) Cole & Marmalade protect their human from a bug flying around in the bathroom, cats are without a doubt the best pest control in the world!
If You Think You Had A Tough Walk To School....
Added 775 Views / 0 LikesWhile adrenaline junkies around the world spend thousands on death-defying adventures, the schoolchildren of Dhaing village in Nepal have no choice but to face down danger on a daily basis. They are forced to endure a hazardous river crossing by rope brid
Bully Duck Relentlessly Chases Dog
Added 900 Views / 0 LikesOne of our ducks, Crispy, chasing our dog Jackson
Abandoned Pig's New Best Friend Is A Puppy
Added 862 Views / 0 LikesPiper was lucky to be found. Video by Anita Diamantopoulou
Chasing Starlight - An Adventure In The Canadian Rockies
Added 857 Views / 0 LikesThere's a certain feeling that you get from standing under a truly dark sky for the first time. Although it's hard describe the exact feeling of awe that's felt, it's an experience that doesn't leave you. In fact, it's something that can change you. It ca
Cats Top New Year's Resolutions
Added 956 Views / 0 LikesJoin the Furball Cats as they review their all time favorite New Year's Resolutions in the 6th annual Mew Year's video! Happy 2016 everyone!
Two Stray Dogs Get Separated During Rescue
Added 961 Views / 0 LikesThis rescue was much harder than it shows... getting two dogs together is a tricky thing and required a lot more running than I could show on this short video (this is why I was out of breath by the end of the video).
How Alpacas React To Magic
Added 801 Views / 0 LikesI went to Hyvanmielen Alpakat (The Goodwill Alpaca's) and vanished their favorite treat, carrot in front of their snouts. Check out their reaction!
Mary, Did You Know? - Pentatonix
Added 686 Views / 0 LikesMary, Did You Know? - Pentatonix
Away In A Manger - Home Free (Christmas A Cappella)
Added 953 Views / 0 LikesAway In A Manger - Home Free (Christmas A Cappella)
Homeless Man Shocks Viewers With Piano Performance
Added 967 Views / 0 LikesRyan, a man who has been living on the street for 30 years plays the piano outside in downtown Edmonton, in Churchill Square, no one taught him to play, he just could.
Away In A Manger - Home Free (Christmas A Cappella)
Added 972 Views / 0 LikesAway In A Manger - Home Free (Christmas A Cappella)