Videos Section 2
Nina Conti - Hyde Park 2014 Ft. Laura Chapman!!
Added 978 Views / 0 LikesLaura gets pulled up on to the main stage in Hyde Park London 2014!!
Ringo The Rescued Rhino Star Loves Being A Diva
Added 979 Views / 0 LikesAN ABANDONED baby rhino is now thriving after being rescued at a wildlife conservancy.
Dancing Reindeer - Synchronized Christmas Lights
Added 878 Views / 0 LikesDancing Reindeer Synchronized to Christmas lights jingle bell [Frostyritz]
Armless Artist’s Incredible Paintings
Added 888 Views / 0 LikesBORN with no arms, artist Swapna Augustine can nevertheless paint stunning portraits - using her FEET.
Home Free - Full Of Cheer
Added 824 Views / 0 LikesThis pretty much sums up Home Free. Our friends at FifGen really took this one and ran with it. Enjoy the silliness of Full of Cheer" written by our own Tim Foust! "
Bear Cubs Play In The Street
Added 764 Views / 0 LikesWhile vacationing with his mother in Glacier National Park in Montana, this man put his car to a halt when he encountered two bear cubs play fighting in the middle of the road. Once the cubs were sure that everyone got their fair share of pictures, they l
Jack The Sheep Who Thinks He's A Dog
Added 845 Views / 0 LikesA sheep rescued as a lamb and brought up with a springer spaniel is now convinced he is - a SHEEP DOG. Six-month-old Jack is so sure he is a canine he fetches sticks, wears a collar and a lead, jumps up on his hind legs - and even tries to BARK. Astonishi
Bear Scare
Added 840 Views / 0 LikesMan tries to scare the bears away from his trash, but he's the one who gets scared.
Tractor Trailer Jumps Over Lotus F1 Race Car
Added 591 Views / 0 LikesWhy jump a semi-truck over a speeding Formula 1 car? In the spirit of pushing boundaries, EMC set a world record with Lotus F1 Team and their precision of their computing powers. Awesome!
Guilty Dogs Who Are Sorry ( Some Not So Sorry )
Added 652 Views / 0 LikesDogs who are guilty of various bad dog" acts of indiscretion. But we prefer to blame the humans! "
Cahalen Morrison And Eli West - Living In America - Acoustic Music
Added 780 Views / 0 LikesCahalen Morrison & Eli West perform Living in America" live in the Washington
Natalie Cole LIVE - Unforgettable
Added 781 Views / 0 LikesNatalie Cole, the Grammy-winning singer who had hits with such songs as This Will Be" and "Our Love" and recorded "Unforgettable ... With Love
Lexus The Dirt Bike Dog
Added 799 Views / 0 LikesJoin Lexus the Dirt Bike Dog and James Stott for an epic ride across the dunes of Little Sahara, Utah. Music Acid Baby Jesus Finger Painting" "
Horse Plays Fetch
Added 683 Views / 0 LikesThis horse wanted to play fetch with his owner. However, since he was a giant animal, instead of using a frisbee, his owner had to throw a giant dish across the field.