Videos Section 2
Modern Family Farmhouse
Added 856 Views / 0 LikesThis home was inspired by the water towers that dot the landscape of California's central valley.
Minions - Official Trailer (HD) - Illumination
Added 855 Views / 0 LikesMeet Stuart, Kevin and Bob as they embark on a journey for their new master in the Official Trailer for Minions. In Theaters July 10, 2015
Cat Vs Kitten - Cat Tree Battle!
Added 855 Views / 0 LikesWhen Cole met Marmalade - Part 2! … I went into the vault for this video, it made me laugh seeing the look on Coles face when Marm discovered how awesome she is.
How To Draw SNOW FLAKE In 3D / Tutorial Easy
Added 855 Views / 0 Likeseasy Drawing snow flake (how to draw) Tutorial.
Dog Runs Backwards On Narrow Path
Added 855 Views / 0 LikesWait for it! This adorable pup easily ran along this narrow path towards its owner, but when its owner went to the other side, it had no way of turning around. Instead, the pup scooted its fluffy butt backwards to give its owner a kiss.
Sandboarding Supertramp Style - Play On In New Zealand!
Added 854 Views / 0 LikesFilmed by Devin Graham and TeamSupertramp using the RED Dragon in 6K resolution, with the Glidecam Devin Graham Series for the stabilizing shots.
Arthur The Dog Surfing Across A Swimming Pool
Added 854 Views / 0 LikesArthur the Jack Russell Cross jumps from the side of a pool onto a surf board in a swimming pool and rides across the swimming pool with no assistance and then jumps out of the pool onto the side. Very clever, showing balance, lots of wagging tails and cl
Squirrel Grabs Guy's GoPro Camera And Carries It Up A Tree
Added 854 Views / 0 LikesI attached a piece of bread to my GoPro, and a squirrel picked it up and carried it up a tree. After eating the bread, it swiftly discarded the GoPro.
Creepy Hand Reaches Out For Selfie !
Added 854 Views / 0 LikesThat awkward and creepy moment you realise that arm holding you while you take a selfie... isnt your friend! "
Gentle Dalmatian Dog Cuddles With Tiny Kitten
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesIs there anything cuter than a playful kitten cuddling with a sleepy dog? Watch as Louie the Dalmatian takes care of Squirt and snuggles with the adorable cat.
Jack's Garbage Truck
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesGarbage Man Perfectly Picks Up And Throws Out Old Mattress With Garbage Truck Robot Claw
A Cat's Guide To Boxes
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesIf I fits, I sits… Everyone knows that cats love boxes! … Here's Cole and Marmalade's guide to these feline favorites.
Labrador Uses The Archimedes Principle To Get His Soup
Added 853 Views / 0 LikesAlbert cannot reach the chicken soup because the flask is too narrow and the soup level is too low. He used heavy tennis balls (filled with sand) to raise the soup level.