Videos Section 2
Man Swims With Dolphin And Loses Swim Trunks
Added 1,185 Views / 0 LikesA man holds onto a dolphin as it swims away and his swim trunks fall right off him!
With Or Without You
Added 544 Views / 0 LikesEmanuele and Junior are singing With or without you". This time Junior is singing his heart out and with his soul. It is so funny. You must see it. Junior is a French Bulldog."
Corgi Chases His Own Leash
Added 821 Views / 0 LikesCorgi runs around a plastic crate chasing his own leash
Unlikely Friends Bobcat And Coyote Pup
Added 841 Views / 0 LikesUnlikely Friends Bobcat Prescilla" & Coyote Pup "Macey" become best of friends after Macey was pushed out of her pack. "
Shopping With Animals
Added 810 Views / 0 LikesCats, dogs, and other animals prepare to go shopping.
RC Scale Airplanes - The Galloping Ghost P-51
Added 1,131 Views / 0 LikesSpeaker = ON ... Volume= MAX ... YEAH !!! Worlds fastest gas powered propeller Rc airplane ... Vmax=306 km/h (190 mph) * The Galloping Ghost * P-51 Air ...
Silent Night Ft. Placido Domingo -ThePianoGuys
Added 547 Views / 0 LikesSilent Night ft. Placido Domingo -ThePianoGuys
Pets Who Are Huge Sports Fans (Awesome Compilation)
Added 793 Views / 0 LikesThere's a little something for everyone: A horse playing soccer, a deer scoring a goal, a skateboarding dog, and kittens being kittens.
Mystique's Padrino - Andalusian Stallion At Liberty
Added 908 Views / 0 LikesAndalusian Stallion Mystique's Padrino in an impromptu liberty session.
21 Golden Retriever Puppies Encounter A Sprinkler For The First Time
Added 890 Views / 0 LikesHow do 21 puppies beat the heat? Play in a sprinkler of course! Yes, you read that correctly… 21 puppies! To be more specific, adorable golden retriever puppies.
Dolphin Encounter
Added 992 Views / 0 LikesOn our recent cruise to the Bahamas, we went on a Dolphin Encounter off an island near Nassau. During a kiss from a dolphin, we could not believe it when the dolphin just kept spitting water back at John. Gotta watch this.
Pug Eating Food With His Best Friend
Added 776 Views / 0 LikesI would do anything for food" -Doug. ... "
Funny Dog Snitches On Sibling. Who Stole The Cookie?
Added 1,097 Views / 0 LikesFunny Dog tells on sibling. Not taking the rap!! I need a SNITCH" Bark Badge! "