Videos Section 2
Tough Love - Simon's Cat (A Valentine's Special!)
Added 878 Views / 0 LikesA curious cat lands himself in big trouble!
Dog Rescues Sister From Toy Snake Attack! Cute Dogs Maymo & Penny
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesMaymo protects his sister Penny from a toy snake invasion. Watch cute dog Penny run from an advancing motorized snake, before her brother Maymo runs in and saves the day. Maymo uses his signature ninja agility moves to take down the snake, rescuing his si
Candy Man Blues | Playing For Change
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesCandy Man Blues | Playing For Change
Teddy Bear The Porcupine Predicts Super Bowl XLIX Winner
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesCan Teddy Bear the Porcupine accurately predict the winner of the Super Bowl for the FOURTH year in a row? Don't ever underestimate the power of po'pine prognostication! See who he picks to win Super Bowl XLIX (2015).
How To Make Homemade Sausage - OrsaraRecipes
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesToday I will be showing you how to make homemade sausage.
Animals And Power Wheels Compilation
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesAnimals and Power Wheels Compilation
World's HARDEST Dog Tricks
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesNow this is just unfair. Video by Andrew Grantham
Rubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage Fools Penn & Teller
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesRubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage Fools Penn & Teller on Fool Us Season 2 Episode 1 with awesome Rubik's Cube Magic!
Yoga Dog Can't Reach Toy
Added 877 Views / 0 LikesDog doesn't want to stop stretching to get her toy.
Genius Animal Criminals That Will Make You Say Aww!
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesGenius Animal Criminals That Will Make You Say Aww!
Meet Porter. The World's First Driving Dog.
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesDogs this smart deserve a home. Every year, the SPCA need to find homes for thousands of dogs just like Porter -- dogs who have been abused, abandoned, or just forgotten. Our dogs may be a motley bunch, but they're all smart and they're all lovable. So pl
Acrobatic Dog, Handstand On Rope
Added 876 Views / 0 Likesso after working on this trick for the best part of 2 yrs OzzyDog has finally cracked it, and done a full handstand on rope, we are practising in loads of different ...
Rare Video: Moose Loses An Antler
Added 876 Views / 0 LikesWatch a moose shed one of its antlers as a startled Wyoming family records from a window close by. All male moose grow and lose their antlers each year, but it's rare to catch it on camera.
Laughter Is Definitely The Best Medicine
Added 875 Views / 0 LikesDoes a laugh a day keep the doctor away? Laughter is scientifically proven to improve your life, so take some time to watch this video and have a good laugh!